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davedew 22nd February 2011 09:10 AM

The build is progressing well Ronnie. Was out in the garage last night laying the loom out into the car. Got the fuse boxes & relays all mounted, and the wires heading in all the right directions now.

Got to do some connecting up and see if it runs. I bought the donor as parts so have never heard it running. Plus the fact that I ditched the CFI for bike carbs. Could be a case of stand back and wait for a bang!! lol. Hopefully the correct banging of all four cylinders.

spud69 22nd February 2011 09:41 AM

All the best with the new build Ronnie, once you've got it in your mind that you're not happy with something it will always be there and the further you go on with the build the worse the feeling will get.

You're doing the right thing.


flyerncle 22nd February 2011 11:12 AM

Best of luck Ronnie and you will be off to a good start.

I see your point Phil and there is great satisfaction in producing something to your own taste.

dogwood 22nd February 2011 03:53 PM

Ronnie......Building you're car again !!!!!

You must be BONKERS !!.....

Oooerr..hummmm...ooops...:rolleyes: :o :D :cool:

Bonzo 22nd February 2011 04:17 PM

David, at least you completed yours & had the fun of the driving on the mountain roads :) :cool:

That's more than can be said for my build :o :o

Driven loads of miles on the build table & in my mind if that counts !!!

DaddyA 22nd February 2011 04:23 PM

Good luck Ronnie,

I'm sure you'll have more of an idea of what you want, doing it again. I can't stop thinking of 'Why didn't I do that when i built it'???

I want to do a few changes but can't get myself to take it off the road to do it, too much fun driving it - although I've got use to the performance now!!!

Anyway good luck again,

fabbyglass 22nd February 2011 04:24 PM

Arh just you wait though Ronnie you will have that cracking North coast road to race on oooops I mean potter along.......from St Ives down to St Just is the best way, the Sierra was mental fun;)

HandyAndy 22nd February 2011 04:50 PM

Ronnie....I,m truly honoured that you are building a new chassis using one of my kits :)

You,ll soon be unpacking the kit & singing the song " this bit connects to that bit, the other bit connects to that other bit" as in the tune of " Knee bone connects to Thigh bone" etc etc :D

And with you having enough spare donor parts to complete both builds I can just picture you & Junior on the track, a bit of family rivalry on the cards eh?

Best wishes for your build Ronnie, I look forward to lots of build updates & LOADS of piccies :D


adrianreeve 22nd February 2011 05:42 PM


Mad mad mad!!

Actually I understand, I did the same thing, built my chassis to rolling stage, then sold it to my brother in law and started again!

Better to do it now than when it's on the road and you keep thinking 'I wish I'd just....' all the time.

Good luck with the new build, I'm down at my parents place at Kenegie at Easter, so if you fancy some car chat, let me know

All the best


Bonzo 3rd March 2011 03:00 PM

Thanks guys
Thanks to all of you for the moral support.

Tis nice to see that folk can understand where I am coming from & looks like I am certainly not alone when it comes to things that you are just not quite happy with. :)

Since I have last posted on this thread, I have managed to amass a fair few components & this will help towards keeping my current build " Rolling "

Next week, I hope to make a start on the build table .... Torn between a wooden one or an all steel one !!??
Logic says to me, steel frame, steel legs, 18mm exterior ply top & all capped off with a sheet of steel, 2/3mm thick.

I have a number of fabrication projects to do so need a sturdy, long lasting table !!
New railings and gates for the front of the house, must get rid of that lethal up n over door on the workshop, tis a death trap, I think a new pair of steel doors is the order of the day there.
The list is endless really. Methinks Junior is going to have to learn to weld soner rater than later !!??

One thing's for sure, my days of being able to crawl arround the floor fabricating stuff are long gone :o

Whilst all of this caper is going on, I have to start another hunt for a decent Vauxhall Omega gearbox.
Found one a while back but it was a self removal job ( Only £30 ), weather tuned crap & I wasn't well enough to get it .... Left it for a few weeks, too late, it had been crushed :(


If you are ever close buy, I would love to share some Roaster chat :)

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