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Bonzo 26th May 2010 08:28 PM

Good news folks
Thanks for letting me know chaps :)

Tis nice to know that they are finaly beginning to arrive at their destinations :cool:

It was my pleasure to arrange the group buy .... Feeling knackered from Stonleigh show, it was nice to have something usefull to do for a change.


Sorry for my huge cock up mate :o

All sorted now, I have arranged for Citylink to collect tomorrow, express next day delivery.
All being well, your kit will reach you on Friday :)

Tatey 26th May 2010 08:56 PM

Ronnie, it's honestly no issue. It now means I have less to distract me from the exams I have tomorrow and Friday. :D

I won't have anything to bolt together so you're definitely not holding up my build either, well unless they don't turn up by Thursday next week :p.

KenK 26th May 2010 09:21 PM

Ronnie, got mine today as well, many thanks for organising, much appreciated


onedayTM 28th May 2010 11:37 AM

Hi ronnie,
Received my package today at second attempt, cheers for all your effort job well done.

ozzy1 28th May 2010 12:02 PM

Mine arrived yesterday according to my old man :D cheers

Bonzo 28th May 2010 07:42 PM

Cheer's ozzy1 :)

All you have to do now is get them out to Australia :eek: :D

Hopefully, all of the sets will have arrived by now :)

Tatey 29th May 2010 09:23 AM

My bolt set arrived yesterday Bonzo, cheers :D.

Bonzo 29th May 2010 09:43 AM

Relieved to hear that Simon :)

I managed to get it right in the end .... My signature says it all really :o :D

Hopefully all of the sets have arrived now.

With a little luck, I will have the time next week to start sorting out a second group buy .

I have a provisional list of about 6, If any of you folks missed out, feel free to holler :)

DStanley1809 29th May 2010 09:54 AM

I'd like a set in the next group too please.

From reading through the thread, as far as I can make out the new list looks something like this:

1) John Marchant
2) eSteve (nut covers + plain nuts)
2) TQ uk (nut covers + plain nuts)
3) wgroove (nut covers + plain nuts)
4) roadster v8 (nut covers + plain nuts)
5) mr-p (nut covers + plain nuts)
6) DStanley1809 (nut covers + plain nuts)

Bonzo 29th May 2010 10:09 AM

Thanks David
Thanks for doing that David :cool:

As per last group buy I need to find enough iterest to make up at least 10 sets.

This means I can bulk buy in boxes & spread the savings to every one ;)

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