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Bonzo 22nd July 2009 04:20 PM

4 wheels on my waggon
As already posted.

My build is finally on 4 wheels :)

The sun was shining this afternoon, good chance to take a picture or two.

Looking at the wheels on the car at a distance, I don't think they look too bad after all, Nothing a good refurb will not sort out !!??

This is the pleasure

Here is the pain

I cracked my knee a beauty climbing in !! My wife was cracked up & just had to take a photo of the moment.

Only the night before, my eldest son said " How are you going to get in that you doddery old git "
He loves me really !!

I'll not kid myself. I know I am only about half way there but a milestone none the less.

AshG 22nd July 2009 04:43 PM

looking good that ronnie.

couple of little problems i spotted. its not gonna work to well without a seat. and your wheels are on the wrong way round.

Bonzo 22nd July 2009 05:26 PM

Cheers Ash :)

What, you mean I need a seat as well :eek: :eek:

I only put those directional tyres the wrong way round just to annoy folks :D

jasongray5 22nd July 2009 06:00 PM

Christ mate, youve certainly been busy!
looking realy good, the car isnt too bad either:eek:

ps. get a haircut:p

Jimmyd 22nd July 2009 06:06 PM

Looking Good Bonzo.

I didn't have the nerve to send a pic of me in it!! but maybe that should become a forum rule, the first picture of chassis on wheels must include the builder sitting in it making "brmmmm brmmmm" noises. :rolleyes:


Bonzo 22nd July 2009 06:17 PM

Cheers chaps :)

Not a bad idea is that J .

In Ashes first picure post, he was dressed as the Stig :cool:

Yes been really going at it. From the rusting hulk that you saw earlier in the year, to this stage in about 4 weeks.

Managed to eascape the shearing this year, I havn't been dipped either :D
I hope DEFRA don't find out :eek:

HandyAndy 22nd July 2009 06:21 PM

:D nice one Ronnie, looks fantastic , well done on reaching this milestone :cool:

really like the roll bar & back stay position, it looks smart seeing it on a car compared to in a diagram in the book.

one comment if i may??????????

you are wearing the correct T shirt for your big day


All the best


ps. yes all first photos of car on wheels must have the builder behind the wheel, great idea

Bonzo 22nd July 2009 06:26 PM

Cheers Andy :)

I did think about wearing my red pants on the outside, I thought it might offend. :D :D

Pitty I have to pull it all apart once the engine has been test fitted :eek:

adrianreeve 22nd July 2009 07:27 PM

Looking good that Ronnie! My my, we are a busy bunch just lately, must be around 10 cars on their wheels in the last couple of months!

I reckon at this pace, we could see a fair few Roadsters at next year's shows - vive la revolution!!!!

Well done mate, haven't forgotten my pledge to come and see you, just haven't been down to Gulval recently, but if it's OK I'll let you know when I'm coming!



Bonzo 22nd July 2009 07:48 PM

Cheers Adrian :)

Yes we have been a busy bunch over the last couple of months.

I'd love to meet if you find yourself in this neck of the woods :cool:

Been going at it as best I can for the last month. I'll try & get the Zetec engine test fitted next week .

My plan from then on, is to slow down the pace a little before I get broken again :eek:
The last time I broke myself I was out of action for a very long time :(

Have fun with your builds folks

mark 22nd July 2009 08:00 PM

Looking good :cool:

It feels great getting it on wheels doesnt it :D


frankie boy 22nd July 2009 08:17 PM

Well done Ronnie. Looking good mate. Take it easy and enjoy your build.


Jimmyd 22nd July 2009 09:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
There you go, my Bonzo impersonation!!


I may of course now be banned for unfunny joke or is that only on LCB?

Blade 22nd July 2009 10:32 PM

Nice one Ronnie, well done, looks spot on , All these roadsters getting to the rolling chassis stage is doing my head in :( I need to get another job with less hours so I can crack on with my build :o .

P.S Don't get a hair cut enjoy it while you still have it :D :D

jasongray5 22nd July 2009 11:47 PM

I feel I may have been too harsh with the hair comment, please see it as a funny joke and dont ban me.
ps, here is a picture of what I have done to my hair this evening, for real...:eek: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pi...c&id=505055002

HandyAndy 22nd July 2009 11:49 PM


you have a PM


Bonzo 23rd July 2009 08:30 AM

Much better J

See, you don't need to worry about posting a picture with you sitting in your car.

Hair doo looks fab :)

Jas.......... what you been and done to your hair mate :eek:

I really wish I had thought of wearing my lads Jimmy wig for the picture


I normally do have a number one job done on the hair during the summer, it makes me look much more distinguished ;)

Still got quite a good crop of hair appart from the very top, I blame all those years of overhead stick welding not wearing a skull cap !! . Double hard B******d dockyard welder & all that :D

Number one son, 35, going around like friar tuck, I often tell him " I might be a doddering old fart but at least I have all of my hair " !!??

Quite often have a look in on your build diary Blade. The progress you have made is as cool as ever. Top notch stuff there.

May I ask if you managed to locate some threadded bar or bolt for the rear camber adjusters. M18 X1.5, or did you find an M20 quick camber adjuster.

Those quick adjusters save so much pulling apart of components just to make minor adjustments.

Cheers for all of your kind comments folks

HandyAndy 23rd July 2009 08:33 AM

:o i wear a cap to cover my Friar tuck too ;) :D

i blame it on wearing motorbike helmets :D

your chassis looks great Ronnie, you must feel very proud eh?


Bonzo 23rd July 2009 09:00 AM

Yes I do feel a little pleased with my self :)

Slightly miffed about the length of time that it has taken me to get to this stage :eek:

I know that my personal circumstances have dictated the pace of my build & the amount of effort that I am able to put in.

Just very hard sometimes not to dwell on the past, very frustrating at times when simple jobs take me an age to do.

But there, no point dwelling on the past. :o

I am over the moon to be able to say that I have a rolling chassis :D

shadowcaster 23rd July 2009 09:18 AM

Ronnie mate she looks great, well done on getting this far:) . You have given me hope that one day in the not to distant future I will get back to mine and finish her.:(

HandyAndy 23rd July 2009 09:23 AM


you shouldn,t feel a "little" pleased with yourself, you should give yourself a huge pat on the back , :)

the progress you have made in the last month has just been amazing, a fantastic achievement.

again well done mate, :cool:

now you make me feel like i must get cracking on my build :eek: :D


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