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Bonzo 21st July 2009 04:41 PM

Thanks Chris
My build is at last on its wheels ( Pictures to follow soon )

In light of recent events, I would like to like to extend a big, big thank you to Chris Gibbs.

The Haynes Roadster book came at a very low point in my life .

Without boring you all with the details, I have been dogged with serious health problems for the last few years. :(

It was Chris's book that gave me the desire to make the most out of my personal situation.

For the most part, I have enjoyed each & every moment of my build.

The support of this forum + the personal support of Chris, has been invaluable :cool:

Once again. A big thanks to Chris.

I can't really put into words, the difference that your book has bought into my life. :) :)

HandyAndy 21st July 2009 04:46 PM

without hijacking yor thread Ronnie,

hear hear.... well said :cool:

Chris,s book & my build has brought so much to me also , at a time that i too needed " a focus in my life "

Thanks Chris.


flyerncle 21st July 2009 05:48 PM

"a focus in my life " I thought it was a Sierra ! (sorry )

Chris Gibbs 21st July 2009 07:31 PM

You silly buggers have put a lump in my throat.

I can't tell you how much that means to me, thank you


Spikehaus 21st July 2009 08:17 PM

I can relate with my buddies above, it helped me get over a very bad time in my life and gave me something to talk about with dad during the 6 months sat at a hospital bedside. Have a great holiday Chris. A personal thanks as well. I recently celebrated my build Birthday, but really, I started cutting the steel 6 months before setting up my build table.

Its been a shame some of the crap going on recently on certain forums, but we like your jokes and humour. That' why we all come here every evening!

Bonzo 21st July 2009 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Gibbs (Post 18534)
You silly buggers have put a lump in my throat.

I can't tell you how much that means to me, thank you


I mean every word of it Chris. :)

You have made a real difference to the quality of my life. :cool:

Bugger,I got a lump in my throat now :o :o

slimtater 21st July 2009 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Bonzo (Post 18556)
I mean every word of it Chris. :)

You have made a real difference to the quality of my life. :cool:

Bugger,I got a lump in my throat now :o :o

There is quite a bit of tonsilitis going around at the moment.

mr henderson 21st July 2009 09:33 PM

I would like to say something in Chris's support as well. I was delighted when I saw that Haynes had published a book which was, in effect, what the previous one should have been.

To have achieved the writing and publishing of a book of that quality is something that he should be proud of. Various little inaccuracies did creep in, (don't they always) and maybe some of it needed a little more explaining, but the way he has supported readers of the book through this forum deserves more commendation.

The Syd Bridge character is a very unpleasant piece of work, there is something seriously wrong with him, all he can do is criticise, and when asked to back up his criticism is unable to do so, he just repeats it. I have crossed swords with him a couple of times, fortunately the score so far is me 2, him nil :)

jasongray5 21st July 2009 11:56 PM

Chris you arse!
Youve made me sort of meet a realy nice bunch of people, cost me a fortune, made me learn a load of new skills that will stay with me for life, and because of this stupid half built thing in my shed - I decided to stay in the UK and not go travelling!!!
Seriously though, great book! its realy REALY gave me something to focus on over the past 8 months and cut my boozing habbit considerably:o

Hope I get the pleasure of meeting you with a finished roadster one day

richardk 22nd July 2009 08:27 PM


Although not building a Roadster I did buy the book mainly for the pedal box plans which I'll get round to making at some and to be honest was just a damn good read.

Although easy to get embroiled in the events of recent times I have this life code that I go by, which is, I treat everybody as my friends until I learn otherwise.

I met Chris a couple of times at Stoneleigh and had a bit of a chat and also gave him a battery that HandyAndy gave me to him if I saw him, he seemed like a genuine sort of guy and pleasant to talk to. I also met a few others that I now consider to be friends which is really nice.

So hopefully the recent events won't stop us sharing our knowledge & friendships, life's too short and sometimes personalities clash, things calm down and we either move on from where we left or proceed to pastures new, either way you'll still have people around you that appreciate the work you do and the support you give. So thank you Chris and take care.




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