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onedayTM 14th April 2010 08:24 PM

3GE phone nos
hi guys, dont know whether anyone has phone nos for 3GE, cause I really need to speak to them. Not been able to get resonpse by e-mail/

chris m 14th April 2010 08:59 PM

im also getting no responce from emails! does anybody know wots goin on?

gingea1pom 14th April 2010 09:03 PM

Er no but in their defence I have always had good communication with them.

Of course that means nothing if they are incommunicado now.

If we continue to talk about it they will be along soon, reputation is everything.

Cheers Ginge

twinturbo 14th April 2010 09:11 PM

do a domain whois lookup for the 3ge web address..


twinturbo 14th April 2010 09:12 PM

don't post the resulting number here though, and remember that John was having personal health issues.


gingea1pom 14th April 2010 09:32 PM


That 'whois' is amazing.:eek:

Right I don’t want to put a downer on things but the web site is registered to John of 3GE, who, as we know is going through a health roller coaster at the moment.

The registered phone number is a land line. It could be a work number it could be a home number. I don’t want to inadvertently pass on Johns home number and loads of people start hassling him at home whilst he is trying to recover.

Let’s leave this thread going for a day or two and see what happens.

Or you could ‘whois’ 3GE yourself!!!!:D

For what it is worth I was dealing with Keith, so there are others in the company.

Cheers Ginge

3GE Components 18th April 2010 09:36 AM

Hi All

It appears that the contact us link on our website isn't working! which has caused a few problems, I have contacted our web host to resolve the issue.
Therefore anybody who has used this link and not had a reponse from us please resend to the email address below
I am sorry if this has caused any problems

twinturbo 18th April 2010 09:42 AM

Good to know your still there, hope everything is ok with John.


MightyMouth 19th April 2010 10:13 PM

Glad I saw this, I used the Contact form and hadn't heard anything. I have now emailed the address given.

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