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mgglep 15th September 2012 11:38 PM

MeV seats
Sat in some grp MeV seats at donnington fit me absolutely perfectly they seem to be fairly cheap also does anyone know the size of them to see if they would fit

mgglep 15th September 2012 11:51 PM

Right answered my own question but these seats are brill if you are on the slightly larger side like myself and want the grp seat look as I do I found the width they are 420mm wide they do narrower ones to

jps 24th September 2012 02:59 PM

I went up to RoadTrackRace on Friday to try the seats, and went to GBS/Kitspares too - to try out their padded 'Roadster' seats.

I've gone with the MeV GRP seats - although they are a little more pricey - as they seemed a lot more comfortable. I am not really a fatty (approx 34" waist) but there was so much more room in the GRP seats and it looks like they will easily be narrow enough to fit in the Haynes without any problems.

Just waiting on them to call me back with a definite cost for delivery, will provide some feedback once i've got my hands on them!

jps 24th September 2012 05:47 PM

Eeek! Got the call back. £60 for delivery - £300 all in for a pair. A bit frustrating as, down to misunderstanding, I thought they didn't have any in stock for sale - but it turns out I could have taken them away there and then... As they are 3hrs away in the car and I only went in because I was in the area anyway I may have to rethink where to get my seats from!

jps 27th September 2012 03:46 PM

Further update - found a transport solution (good ol' Dad!) which means i'll be going with MeV seats after all!

Their recommendation was Europa seat runners - several of the cars in their workshop looked like they were fitted with these: https://www.europaspares.com/product...__RUN005K.html

Kit Spares 'equivalents' do seem a fair bit cheaper though - can anyone recommend one or the other option?

jps 2nd November 2012 04:46 PM

Good and bad news. Seats seem good, but they are too wide at the top. I need to have a proper play with them as i just plonked them in the chassis to see if they'd fit straight in. They didn't but positioning them VERY upright does make it a bit better...

The suppliers were kind enough to answer some novice questions from me, the bad news is that their answer to "can I just trim the edge off the seat to make it fit" was a "we wouldn't advise it because that's where the strength is.."

Hopefully i'll be able to shuffle them about a bit to get them to go in...

Ben_Copeland 3rd November 2012 11:07 AM

Fit runners to the bottom of the seats, that'll might raise them up enough it miss.

If not, have you tried sitting in them? they might not want to be back that far anyway?

jps 3rd November 2012 01:04 PM

Just about to take the Sierra runners out and try all that! I reckon they will go in somehow, just need to make sure they don't end up sticking up further than the roll bar!!!

jps 9th June 2013 05:59 PM

Finally got the seat mounted, a few pics here: http://meandthekitcar.wordpress.com/...int-conundrum/

With the benefit of hindsight i'd say the MEV seats aren't the best option for the Roadster - although they fit they are absolutely at the limit of what works - it'd be easier to work with some slightly narrower seats.

jason 82 10th June 2013 03:48 AM

What width tunnel do you recommend doing Phil ? More room the better. A bit worried about getting t boned in the roadster, there is no room to absorb a side impact, so a few inches more space here and there could make a huge difference.

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