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baz-r 9th November 2013 10:07 PM

had a date with the rollers
took my car to tipton garage yesterday for a session on the rollers.
Steve Miles preps and tunes cars for the st marys trophy at goodwood revival and luckly is only 13 miles from where i live and squeezed me in on a rain free day.
me and steve there made a bit of a joint effort and had it tuned in only a bit over an hour (starting from my own map) as steve was nice enough to let me tune on my laptop while he run the rollers controls and made a few pointers.
started with 159bhp with my homebrew map set by feel and sound on the road and steve pointed out "theres not much wrong with that is there". gains where made 3-4000 and 6500-7200 with a bit more advance and a tiny bit leaner, finished with 165.1bhp@7155rpm and 129.1lb/ft@5985rpm.
not bad from a 1800 mk1 zetec engine that started with 105bhp 20 years ago in a fiesta xr2i.
after we got the full throttle runs quickly sorted we tweeked every part throttle load site for advance and afr to get better mpg's
im very happy with the curves nice and linier

twinturbo 10th November 2013 09:00 AM

SMiles all round

Good result

Enoch 10th November 2013 09:46 AM

Those results are impressive but not nearly as impressive as the fact that you got so close to them without the aid of the rolling road! Maximum respect!

baz-r 11th November 2013 02:12 AM

its not a hard as you think to get your full throttle pull set. most of the work was needed sorting part throttles out in areas where i just cant hold the engine back on any load site for any amount of time on the road as the car is so much lighter than a normal car, you keep gaining revs way too quickly to work out whats going on.

i would actualy like the peak power and torque to be in a bit earlyier in the rev range as i had planed it and im not quiet sure why it keeps on gaining all the way pritty much to my rev limiter setting? i worked it out to drop off about 6800 good job i put in under piston oil jets and stronger big end bolts when i had it all apart after all.

most importent thing is the car feels way more refined to drive as the power comes in nice between lighter and max throttle before it was more mr jackle or mr hide.

few pic's


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