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vmax1974 30th May 2012 01:12 PM

The roadster has trashed my garage
Went out to the garage in my slippers and robe earlier and when I came out I was covered in steel filings so when I got changed I want back for a look and realised how messy I have became looking at my work bench... Well its these somewhere I know I saw it before I started building

Then I looked at the floor and thats there somewhere too garage is just full of dust so before I go any further I now feel the need to put find all my tools and put them away in there proper places empty what I can of the garage (without disturbing the roadster) and then have a dam good clean out

I used to pride myself on keeping a clean workspace but With this project that seems to have gone out the window

No wonder mrs vmax wont venture into the workshop anymore will have to clean out and buy her flowers I think

Not Anumber 30th May 2012 03:27 PM

Its almost impossible to prevent iron filings and fine swarf coating every surface and getting into everything when dressing down welds. When doing fabricating work in the past Ive found it easiest to throw some old curtains over tools and other kit and then have a proper clear up at the end.

MikeB 30th May 2012 03:41 PM

every couple of months I roll my roadster out and have a sweep up, it can get pretty bad!

If your in a single garage like me its a nightmare to stay organised and then there's the missus calling you in half way through a job so you down tools but not pack up properly!

Don't sweat it! My rage saw sprays sharp filings everywhere!


vmax1974 30th May 2012 05:29 PM

Yeah am in a single garage the brother in law was keeping a load of junk in there so I have moved it to the front of the garage (been asking him to remove it for over a year and a bit) so I dont bother trying to protect it now its combusted a couple of times... Come to think of it I have set myself on fire once or twice am at the stage where most of the cutting is done just gotta finish the mock up fully weld clean up the welds then I can wheel the car out and give the whole place a good clean and paint the floor

brainbug007 31st May 2012 08:16 PM

know the feeling mate. crazy how that stuff gets all over everything including yourself!


baz-r 31st May 2012 08:38 PM

glad its not just me then it seems like i spend just as much time tidying as working in the garage and its still always a tip.

i try and speed things up with an old hoover picks up all the grp dust,fileings etc but should get a maid in once a week :D

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