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-   -   Lower harness mounts... (http://www.haynes.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=8657)

jps 13th November 2012 09:17 AM

Lower harness mounts...
Not sure if this is a 'chassis' or an 'interior' thread so apologies if it's in the wrong place. I spent Saturday fashioning a jig to support my MEV GRP seats and trying out the seating position for size. The chassis I bought already had some lower harness mounts in place - but I am not sure if they are likely to be in the right place come IVA time given where i've positioned the seat. I am also having a hardtime deciphering the IVA manual requirements - does anyone have any tips on working this out?? Seems I just have to avoid the harness fouling on the GRP when i'm in situ with the belts done up?

The thing that REALLY confuses me is that I can't see any specific requirements about where the mounts are relative to the driver - e.g. lower harness mounts don't have to be behind the driver - although logic dictates that's the only way they'll be effective...

jps 16th November 2012 02:07 PM

In case anyone else on here has similar questions, I posted the same thing on Locostbuilders and got a few responses...


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