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Bonzo 9th October 2010 12:48 PM

Bonzo's progress
It has dawned on me that I have been very sloppy about keeping folk informed about my progress !!

Even worse, I have progress reports/pictures scattered throughout the forum in all mannner of assorted threads :rolleyes:

I have started this new thread to keep those that are interested in my build, informed & will endeavour to keep all of my drivell posted in this thread :o

Latest progress

Firstly, the grand workshop clean up never happened !! .... For some reason, I can't leave the build alone, all I want to do at the moment is to be making things ??
My motivation to crack on with my build seems to be on a high & as they say, make hay whilst the sun shines.

This morning I made a wee mod to the pedal box.

First picture is of the aditional metalwork involved.

Second picture is of the master cylinder in it's new position.

Why have I done this ??

When I offered the master cylinder up to the pedal box, I was not entirely happy with the angle it was sitting at !! mostly, just how low the bottom brake line was going to be .... Without using a Banjo union on that one, it was going to be difficult to keep that pipe above the chassis.

In it's new position I feel that the following advantages have been achieved.

Master cylinder now working at the angle that is was designed for, Fluid bottle now more or less level, cylinder tilted at an ange that will encourage any trapped air to work its way out, better angle for the pedal actuating rod & most importantly to me, more room for the bottom brake pipe.

The material I used for the pedal box was 4mm plate, had some kicking about & thought it would be stiffer than the 3mm plate I had.

The keener eyed of you may notice that I have placed U6, square to the bulkhead !!, yes a cock up on my part & not noticed untill the chassis was fully welded.

Here's thinking about this afternoons jobs

mr henderson 9th October 2010 02:30 PM

I like that modification, very sensible, nice welding too.

flyerncle 9th October 2010 04:22 PM

Buy some flat washers you tight bugger !:p

Nice welding !!!!

Bonzo 9th October 2010 04:41 PM

Thank you Mr H :)


Believe it or not, I havn't got a M8 flat washer in the place :eek:

Got to order some up & knowing me, when it comes to final fixing .... They'll get flat washers, shakeproof washers, nylocks & loctite :D :D

Davey 9th October 2010 05:08 PM

Looking good Ronnie;) . I think the mods you've made are very sensible and I agree with your logic. I need to find some inspiration and time for my build as it has come to a grinding halt at the moment. I've gone back to working on the camper conversion and then we've decided to get and kit out an exhibition trailer for next year's show diary so even Winter's going ot be tough to find time for the Dragon.


Enoch 9th October 2010 05:29 PM

Doooohhh! Wish I had thought of doing that!!
I was a bit concerned about how low my pipe was, with a very tight curve it is ok but your idea is a damn fine one. Very well executed too.

AshG 9th October 2010 07:36 PM

nice bit of welding that ronnie. not bad for a half blind old codger :D did you get one of those esab auto masks in the end?

one thing i would say is check the pivot of the push rod, as now the cylinder is angled up, it wont be travelling in a straight line which could frag the seals pretty quickly.

HandyAndy 9th October 2010 08:02 PM

Nice work Ronnie :cool:

As you have given thought to air in the system, where abouts are you putting the brake light pressure switch? only reason I ask is due to, my system got air in the pressure switch (Which gave for a lazy brake light activation) & was a bu@@er to get out, tilting it solved the problem ;) :)

Its great to see your build is progressing more & more each day :cool:


Bonzo 9th October 2010 08:03 PM

Cheers Ash :)

Yes I did buy one of those screens mate, it made a whole world of difference & has a very low minimum shade setting, Ideal for using the TIG welder :cool:

I think the biggest thing I found, was using my reading glasses whilst welding .... Stands to reason really, if I need em for reading, probably need em for welding too & hey presto, who turned the lights on :o

Good call with the pedal pivot point mate.
When I first fitted the cylinder ( As per book ), I had to drill another hole further up the pedal because as you say, it was snagging as the pedal was pushed in.
After my little mod, I am now able to use the original hole & the pedal now feels really smoothe.
I will check the continuity of the braking system before it is used in anger :)

Bonzo 9th October 2010 08:14 PM

Hi Andy

Yes I have a hydraulic brake switch & I am minded to fit it upside down as per Paul's sugestion ;) ( If I can )

That said, I am still going to chew on the idea of fitting an electrical brake light switch .... I dare say that will involve a few days of head & ball scratching :D :D

Feels really great to be out in the workshop once more .... Long may it last :)

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