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CarlW 25th October 2016 07:49 PM

CP3 and CP4
Hi guys, I have marked up plates CP3 and CP4 to how the shock bracket and nuts will be welded according to the Appendix.
I then checked this agains the dimentions of the brackets on page 49.
Is page 43 wrong as it shows CP3 on left and CP4 on right ware if you look at the mounting dimention, I also have it 3D CAD, these two are mixed up. CP4 should be on the left and CP3 on the right????

Take for instance CP3. The shock bracket is located towards the that the holes have the short dimention from. Looking from the bottom, bracket on left.
If you fit this to the left side, this would put the shortest distance to holes and to bracket to the forward position. This means the dimention from the edge of the top rail to the centre of the bracket to be 28mm where on page 49 its 72mm.


voucht 25th October 2016 10:19 PM

No, to me everything is OK in the book, there is just a confusing 3D view in the appendix page 173 (position of the shock bracket looks wrong there)

Take the 3D drawings of CP3 and CP4 assemblies as in the appendix (p 173), and imagine you turn them around, so the plate(s) CP3/4 is (are) on top of the assy's and not at the bottom as on the drawings. Naturally CP3 will come to the left of the car, and CP4 to the right, as on page 43. So, RS15 is towards the inside of the car as follows :
- on end 3mm from CP3/4 “back edge” (where CP6 will take place),
- one end 25mm from CP3/4 “front edge”. This 25mm “empty” space will go over SB2 on the chassis.

In the appendix, page 173, the perspective 3D drawings are seen from underneath, when the flat 2D drawing has to be viewed as seen seen from the top of CP3/4. That is a bit confusing.

But the most confusing is that on the 3D drawings, it looks like the shock bracket is more toward the front of the assy (closer to SB2) that to the back (3mm space where CP6 will take place), when actually it is the opposite. That is the only “mistake” there. But there is no mistake in the measurements and dimensions, the measurements to be respected are on the 2D flat drawing, and they are correct: the centre line of the bracket has to be 97mm from the front edge of CP3/4 (“SB2 side”), so the bracket is in reality actually closer to the back edge of CP3/4 that to the font edge. That is not what the 3D views show on page 173, I agree with that, but if you put this aside, and respect the measurements on the flat 2D drawing, you will be fine.

What the flat 2D drawing in the appendix shows us is actually CP3, left side of the car, view from the top. Turn your book 180°, and the front of CP3 will be on top, and the back will be at the bottom, and will have the same position as the 3D drawing of the chassis page 43.

From that, CP4 assy is mirrored.

I hope I'm clear enough :o , and that this will help :) .

Good luck!

CarlW 26th October 2016 07:09 AM

Hi ya,

Yeah makes sense. I knew all the dimensions where correct, just when you looked at the 3d view, held the bracket in your hand to match the view, then turned it upside down, it was the wrong side of the car but as you say, the 3d view is misleading.


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