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chriseyj 29th September 2009 10:19 AM

Drums to discs
I have decided to get some drum to disc adapters, but what I've been wondering for a while is if I don't have the drum back plate sandwiched between the rear upright and driveshaft hub will this mean my driveshafts/driveshafts will be 3mm (thickness of back plate) closer to the diff either side making the drive shafts tight?
If so could I make a space plate from 3mm alloy?
Guess you might have a similar problem when not using the disc dust shields.

Thanks Chris.

snapper 29th September 2009 09:01 PM

I am pretty sure there is enough play in the UJ's to take this up.
I also thought the disc adaptor went behind the hub thus spacing out by the thickness.
Stand to be corrected though

flyerncle 29th September 2009 10:39 PM

If the adapter is placed between the upright and the bearing housing one corner will be unsupported as there are only three holes in it to bolt it down.
I have placed mine as in the link attached but am using different calipers.
Hope this helps and, I may be wrong too !:p


chriseyj 30th September 2009 11:09 AM

Thanks for the reply. I thought there may be enough play in the CV joints but have made some plates just incase.
Are those the 3GE adapter brackets you are using and also what calipers are those?
I don't quite get the adapter brackets because the standard caliper mounting holes look almost level with the hub mouting holes, yet the adapter plates bring everything forward the thickness of the plate (10mm?), can the calipers cope with this offset?
Also do you know the average thickness of the bell on a brake disc, the part that clamps between the hub and wheel. Might make some spacers until I can afford discs.


flyerncle 30th September 2009 07:01 PM

3GE adapters and Audi calipers off a TT,yes they need moving a little but they were free and I had drum hubs so it made sense to adapt them.
I will measure the disc and post on here.

This shows it a little better.

chriseyj 30th September 2009 11:00 PM

The brakes look great, I've been looking for alternatives because I have read the sierra rear calipers aren't great, Audi/VW rear calipers are usually alloy I've read are those?
Did they take much adapting to fit and did you use standard sierra discs?
Sorry for all the questions but I'm intrigued.

Have you bolted the hub staright to the upright then like I was worrying about there must be movement in the drive shafts.

flyerncle 1st October 2009 06:53 PM

Standard disc,calipers are coated in something like enamel(not by me).
Hub is bolted to upright, but holes for caliper need to be moved in a little to get the spacing betwwen disc and caliper right.

Just ask and if I can help thats what it's all about.

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