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-   -   Building stopped for today !! (http://www.haynes.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=5754)

Andy_B 25th January 2011 01:36 PM

Building stopped for today !!
Just back from eye clinic...was using a wire brush in the drill when it decided to blow up...a shard of wire hit me in the eye smashing my contact lense...a one eyed drive to the eye clinic to get it all removed....another lesson learned is that the saftey glasses i had on my heid... would have worked better on my bloody face !!!

HandyAndy 25th January 2011 01:45 PM

:eek: Crikey that sounds nasty, hope you are ok.

A painful lesson to us all I,m sure, as I imagine we,ve all done a similar thing of thinking..." ah, it,ll only take a second to grind this or that, don,t need the safety goggles"...then again it only takes a second for something nasty to happen :eek:

Hope you feel ok soon Andy & can get back to your build :)


Bonzo 25th January 2011 02:12 PM

Ouch, very ouch
I hope you are not out of action for too long Andy B :(

Been a fabricator for most of my life, angle grinders & wire wheels still put the willies up me :eek:

Once set fire to my ankle with a grinder .... That is about the same time I found out tha rigger boots can be kicked off a lot quicker than lace up ones :o :o

3GE Components 25th January 2011 03:37 PM

Ditto the ouch bit, I'm don't do "eyes" having seen those pictures of stray swarf when i was an apprentice has put me off for life.

I wish you a speedy recovery.

Kind regards


Davey 25th January 2011 05:26 PM

OUCH! Been there, done that too. i managed to pull a strand of a wire brush out of my own eyeball about twenty odd years ago. Now I wear glasses all day and a full face mask when grinding or motorised wire brushing.


monsterob 25th January 2011 05:39 PM

ive done it too !!! cleaning up a camm cover on a honda, that was a friday saturday i was best man at my mates wedding ruined all his pictures with a weepy red eye !!

monday went to work but it was irritated by the intense lighting in our factory off to A+E two lots of anesthetic and the "TORCH OF HORROR "

it looks like a maglite untill they take the top off and theres a ruddy great vibrating needle they touch your eye vision goes funny then the sickness comes !!!!

very nasty experience

and i was wearing safety specs the wire bit went up behind them !!! :eek:

Andy_B 25th January 2011 06:05 PM

Cheers all...eye feeling a bit better now...just a bit light sensative !!...only thing peeing me off now is it turns out its been 6 years since i last had my peepers checked....another rollocking from eye specialist ....so she wont order a replacement lense until i have been re referred and checked...my sight uncorrected is so bad i am a few points away from a free labrador every few years !!

shh120m 25th January 2011 06:43 PM

Safety glasses! i buy three or four pairs at a time and hang them all over the workshop so that i can always be sure to find a pair, the last time i was tempted to work without them when i couldnt find a pair i ended up like you, swarf in the eye is probably more painful than childbirth! Hope your alright mate


Twin 25th January 2011 07:18 PM

Could have been an expensive lesson :o

Hope all is well bud

will_08 25th January 2011 07:56 PM

Friend at work got one of those bristles stuck in his eye. Pretty much lost vision in the eye, was a lengthy layoff from work too. that was a grinder though.

We only use the knotted wire ones now, they dont throw half as many wires off.

hope your back at it soon

Cheers Will

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