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Enoch 1st May 2014 07:49 PM

Fibre glass - Advice for a newbie
Hi Folks, I am getting near to the point where I need to make the wings and running boards for my car. Trouble is I have no idea where to start:confused:
My design features long sweeping jobbies (not in the Scottish sense of the word) that go over the front wheels, sweep down to the running boards that join to the rear arches. I had the idea of building something out of wood and then encasing it in fibre glass - a technique that is often used on boats made out of plywood. I kind of figure I can make quite a complex shape that way and don't have to make a buck and all that for each side. anyone got any thoughts or guidance on that? The other thing is - I often hear about Gelcoat - is this a paint like substance to make the finish smooth? Does it get painted over - I know you get self coloured gel coat but don't know if there is anything between the fibre glass and gelcoat to get that smooth finish. Are there any books available that are worth reading?
Any help much appreciated cos I am stuck.
Best and all that,

wylliezx9r 1st May 2014 09:53 PM

Sorry but no advice on fibreglassing but have you still got your build diary up and running ? I found it very interesting and different.

waynes world 2nd May 2014 03:47 AM

HI kida, i have recently strated to make a gullwing door roof for my Kit car, i used PU foam sheets and then layed up on that. have alook at my build here, mite give you an idea mate of how easy it can be if you are ok with DIY stuff.


if you want more info on how i did it just ask kida.

Ben_Copeland 2nd May 2014 06:31 AM

I know someone who's got moulds if you want to buy a set ?

Enoch 2nd May 2014 08:16 AM

Hi Guys thanks for the replies.
ZX9 - The renewal for my web site came up - they wanted 60 quid a year for hosting it so I did not renew it. When I told them I wanted to end my contract they took it down immediately and I lost access to it so I could not then copy the contents to another site. All of the content was therefore lost, a bit of a warning there for anybody using 1&1:(

Ben, my car is totally unique so I don't think any prebuilt moulds would be anything like close enough, thanks anyway.

Wolly, that link you sent is certainly interesting. Methinks I will have to look in to this PU foam business. In your text you say you had to use a lot of PVA - what was that for? Is the foam resistant to the resin or do you have to use special stuff? Does it bend quite easily? It certainly seems like it might be the right way to go. Did you have to destroy the foam former? I think it would be cool if I go that way to make 2 sets so that I have spares.

Thanks again,

TheArf 2nd May 2014 10:18 AM

Just been reading through this very good work Wooly, looks really neat.
Dave have you looked at John Dickens's book and DVD from complete kit car, it covers a lot of different methods and techniques very informative

kind regards


K4KEV 2nd May 2014 10:57 AM

PVA....polyvinyl alcohol..... it is used as a releasing agent, it forms a film barrier that prevents the resin from sticking to the part you are molding to, get the matt version as it is easier to see when it is dry during several coats.

waynes world 2nd May 2014 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Enoch (Post 96880)
Hi Guys thanks for the replies.
ZX9 - The renewal for my web site came up - they wanted 60 quid a year for hosting it so I did not renew it. When I told them I wanted to end my contract they took it down immediately and I lost access to it so I could not then copy the contents to another site. All of the content was therefore lost, a bit of a warning there for anybody using 1&1:(

Ben, my car is totally unique so I don't think any prebuilt moulds would be anything like close enough, thanks anyway.

Wolly, that link you sent is certainly interesting. Methinks I will have to look in to this PU foam business. In your text you say you had to use a lot of PVA - what was that for? Is the foam resistant to the resin or do you have to use special stuff? Does it bend quite easily? It certainly seems like it might be the right way to go. Did you have to destroy the foam former? I think it would be cool if I go that way to make 2 sets so that I have spares.

Thanks again,

Hi Dave the PVA Blue is as said above by K4KEV, is a realease agent you just apply by brush or spray, it releases the GRP easyl and you can add water to help it disolve.
The PU foam is fine for layig up on, it comes in sheets from 12mm upto 6 inch if not more thick. or in liquid, mix to liquids together then pour quickly, sets like the expanding foam you get in a can, same stuff realy.

The 12mm thick foam bends real easy, i used that to form all the bends on the top i am doing. the 25mm will bend but a lot less. have a look at here for gear and PU foam.

I will be keeping the foam on the inside and going to layup on that to keep strength, but its easy to come off, its VERY soft, well sands easy, you can shape it with just rubbing it together, messy to work with but great for shaping.


file:///C:/Users/wayne/Desktop/Buy%20fiberglass%20and%20composites%20supplies%20o nline%20UK%20-%20East%20Coast%20Fibreglass%20Supplies.htm

going away for the weekend in a bit but if you want to ask anyhting else ill be back sunday night.

Enoch 2nd May 2014 04:55 PM

This is all damn good stuff:) Looks like making something in foam then laying up fibre glass on it seems favourite. Will look out for the John Dickens book. I need to get the design figured out in my head first then see where I go from there. I have welded up the support frames so I can start to define a load of fixed points, I can then work out all the curvy bits from there. Thanks to all for your valued input.

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