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-   -   Here we go... (http://www.haynes.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=2452)

Chris Gibbs 3rd August 2009 08:53 PM

Here we go...
...again, Roadster forum mark 2!

I'm sorry that this misfourtune has befallen this forum, when, I believe it was intended for me, personally.

This tale should be a warning to everyone who has an online presence, this is what I'd reccomend.

Don't use the same password on different sites, and it's probably best to use different usernames. My account was hacked on three different forums and my ebay account too. There was an attempt to get into my paypal account which failed.

I can't say anything about who might have caused these problems - I don't know. I'm told that Haynes have traced the culprit though.

I think we should put this behind us and move on with a sense of purpose that will shame the person or persons responsible.

I have a couple of quotes that seem apropriate

One's best success comes after their greatest disappointments. - Henry Ward Beecher

The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief. - William Shakespeare, Othello


Chris :)

aaronbassett 3rd August 2009 09:07 PM

good to see you back m8 lets hope that we dont have any more problems and hope you had a good break

aaronbassett 3rd August 2009 09:11 PM

just a little question was there a back up of the forum laying around some were ???? if not, not to worrie

Chris Gibbs 3rd August 2009 09:18 PM

I don't think there was, but I'll ask.


Chris :)

HandyAndy 3rd August 2009 09:25 PM

glad the forum is back up & it really shows how much it means to so many people, it was missed by all, we,ll go from strength to strength & long may it continue.:) :) :cool:


snapper 3rd August 2009 09:25 PM

Its always a shame that some people think web crime is not a crime and i for one would punish them with the law.
The most important thing on any forum is the people, i know we may have lost some data but i am sure we can regain most of it in time.

The Roadster is here for a long time, there is huge respect amongst the kit car builders for anyone who can start with just some tubes and sheets of metal and produce a car.

Perhaps a thread of what's missing so we can put back any lost info.

davidimurray 3rd August 2009 09:27 PM

No need to apologise Chris - not your fault that some people decide to take offence. Now be a good boy and don't cause any trouble :p

Chris Gibbs 3rd August 2009 09:32 PM


I'll do my best, can't promise anything though :p


Chris :)

Bonzo 3rd August 2009 09:40 PM

Welcome back Chris
Welcome back Chris

I hope all of this did not put too much of a damper on your holiday :(

This forum will not take too long before it is better than ever. ;)

Just having the forum back online is good enough for me, I am sure that you will continue to recieve the full support of each & every forum member.

Very timely reminder about user names & passwords ;)

bob 5th August 2009 09:39 AM

Usernames and passwords
Cant agree more re using different passwords on various forums,i have only had this problem of hacked accounts once in the 10+ years of using the interweb but once was enough to prompt me to alter my settings.

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