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spud69 16th January 2012 04:33 PM

SSC transfer of business to NTS Engineering
Hello All,

Time to keep you up to date. About 6 years ago i was diagnosed with epilepsy which was brought under control, however, recently it has begun to escalate again, to such an extent that i have had my driving license suspended again for at least a 12 month period while it is brought under control. Due to this i have decided to concentrate more so on the fostering and have come to an agreement with Nathan, aka SSH120M, to pass over all business to him. We are currently in the process of handing over work and will be completely handed over by the end of this month with Nathan trading as NTS Engineering from 1st February 2012. NTS Engineering will still be based in Hartlepool in a unit close to Saturn's own unit, Nathan will continue to produce all components provided by Saturn and continue to support and complete the Mx5 based car while having some excellent ideas to develop the range. I will continue to be involved, but much more of a back seat, and will try and ensure that Nathan maintains quality of service to other builders. Nathan will soon be posting new contact details and a new website to go with the business. All current orders will be fulfilled by myself and Nathan over the next few weeks, also there will be smooth transition between the two.

So it's time to put the roadster in storage for a bit and wish all other builders the very best with their own builds and projects and dont ever forget that all the headaches and effort is always worthwhile.


adrianreeve 16th January 2012 05:06 PM


Sad to hear that mate, all my dealings with SSC and yourself have been superb, and your customer service second to none. Hope you get everything sorted out, don't be a stranger on here!



vmax1974 16th January 2012 05:29 PM

Sorry to hear the sad news about your licence great news about nathan taking over things

Nathan if you need help with anything whilst your setting up dont hesitate to ask and I hope you are planning to keep the bbq's during the summer as I missed them all last year and I could do with a monkey burger/meet and greet

Good luck to you both

vetteman1355 16th January 2012 05:36 PM

Sorry to hear the sad news Andy, I wish you well for the future, I also hope that your second to none service continues.


TSM Locost 16th January 2012 05:58 PM

That's a bit of a bugger but you must look after your health. I am sure with you help that Nathan will continue all the hard work that you have put in.

Get back to normal asap. :)

K4KEV 16th January 2012 06:09 PM

bluddy hell Andy.... thats a real shame :( great that ssc continues with Nathan,will pop down and see you soon.

baz-r 16th January 2012 06:49 PM

sorry to hear you have to give up your roadster for a bit :( that surely has to be the worst bit

how exactly does this effect any outstanding orders?

twinturbo 16th January 2012 07:17 PM

Really very sorry to hear this, you have been a massive part of the success of the roadster over the last 2 years and I hope you do continue in some way.

Shame the name is changing as it's well recognized.

Good luck, to Nathan.


skov 16th January 2012 07:20 PM

Really sorry to hear that Andy :(
Best of luck with the fostering, I'm sure you'll get as much, if not more, out of that than this car building nonsense!

mark 16th January 2012 07:33 PM

Sorry to hear this news Andy, I have seen the ammount of hours you have put into saturn

Good luck with the fostering

Im sure I will still see you now and again during the warmer months, you can still get your roadster fix too albeit from my passenger seat :)

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