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Old 25th June 2016, 07:11 PM
garyt garyt is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Dufftown, scotland
Posts: 480

well postie has let me down no bits today bet they come on Monday....
So with everything kind of secured back where it should go at least temporarily , I couldn't resist a quick "test run", oops it was a wee bit sketchy under acceleration , all the thunderstorms we have been having and the roads were damp, at least the tail wagging put a smile on my face, You just cant imagine how much I have missed driving her !
so a busy couple of weeks ahead tidying and titivating as we are going to Grampian speed fest in august and planning a wee sortie south of the border to rendezvous with mates fae Yorkshire at Keider water , so a long weekend away (13/14/15 august) hooray.
I can report to that the hood flapped a wee bit (will put some more tension on it) but did cut down on some buffeting , so swmbo will be chuffed but flying solo it WILL be off
I was going to pop into elgin but the roads were flooded and muck of the fields so may pop in in the tintop in the morning, that way I can get started with tidying the electrics behind the dash.....
so much to do so little time and as soon as the spanners hit her I bet the sun will appear
remember we are not mad just creatively insane
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