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Old 1st November 2009, 06:40 PM
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aerosam aerosam is offline
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Location: South Wales, UK
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Default I'm afraid my build will be much slower for some time...

My wife and I found out this weekend that she's expecting our first child! We are both over the moon.

I now have the huge task of converting the spare room (currently my cinema room - 100" screen, surround sound, the works ) into a nursery and spending all my money on baby stuff. So the roadster is going to have to take a back seat (no pun intended) for what could be quite some time.

If anyone has been following my blog, I must apologise in advance as updates may be few and far between for a while. But rest assured I'll do my best to grab the odd few hours in the garage here and there, just to keep it going slowly.

And of course I'll still be loitering somewhere on here.
Check out my Build Blog

And here's all my build photo's on a picasa web album
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