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Old 24th January 2010, 11:33 AM
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Davey Davey is offline
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Angle grinders are bloody dangerous machines, especially when you're playing with the 9" models. An old mate of mine (now sadly passed on) once had a 9" grinding disc explode in his face, smashes his jaw in seven places and knocked most of his teeth out. It exploded because it was a 110 unit but some prat had put a standard 13 Amp plug on it, Fred plugged it into 240V and away it went, instead of 6000RPM it went up to something stupid like 36000RPM and BANG!

Having said that I'm as guilty as the next eejit of using grinders without proper protection "'cos I wear glasses for close work" and I'm basically to lazy to go and get the proper mask.

Not to self, go out tomorrow and buy a proper face mask!

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