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Old 4th November 2010, 10:49 AM
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spud69 spud69 is offline
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Spot on there Trif.....

The original Ron Champion was based on the Cortina, evolved to the Escort then onto the Sierra. The Chris Gibbs version was written a few years ago and has started with the Sierra and will evolve to the MX5 and BMW.

We all have to adapt which is all part of the industry.

Back to Work......AndyH

Originally Posted by Trif View Post
Hi Alga
I think your post starts to define the difference between a kit-car and a self-build. The distinction isn’t “black and white” and is perhaps raises a debate without a “one size fits all” definition. My personal view is I think of a kit car is a bolt together option married to the donor parts, generally controlled by a manufacturer (as you said). What builders don’t have, generally, is the choice of make or buy.

Building the Roadster we have choice, we can choose to make the parts that we feel able to, seek help and advise about the parts we don’t feel confident about and possibly buy them ready made if we feel the make option is beyond us. Let’s not kid ourselves, without the forum there is insufficient information in the book to make everything.

I personally choose to make as much as possible, this sometimes means learning new skills, make jigs and fixtures and often involves a hell of a lot more labour than ordering the finished parts online. It might be “sad” but for me this is part of the fun and the reason why I chose a “self build” option. Clearly some people, who are making this car, who have the skills, tooling, time and inclination, offer a range of ready made parts. I think this is great because it expands the number of people who embark on this mad project, offers the opportunity for some enterprising people to start businesses and for others it offers a way of raising some much needed money to fund their build. Because they choose to offer this service doesn’t stop it from being a self-build for those of us who choose this route.
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