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Old 8th December 2010, 10:46 AM
gtipping gtipping is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Cliffe Woods, Kent
Posts: 51

I need to order chassis material before the end of this week to fill my current orders. As it's more cost effective to buy in bulk and set a machine up once to do a batch run of compound angles on the mill,what I don't sell I'll keep as stock.
Would any body be interested in a group buy of 5 basic flat packs for the asking price of £200 a go plus £40 p+p delivered in time for chrimbo?
What I mean by basic is the main outer chassis rails, tunnel for type 9, rear suspension cage up to RS14 , the top suspension CP plates and a complete set of suspension brackets. Click on the link to my ebay shop to see pics of what I mean by basic chassis.

If any body is interested I need to know by mid day friday please.

1. gtipping

Oh what have I done - not even started stripping the donor yet and that's been sat on the drive for a while. Better get my kevlar helmet out for when the OH gets home.

Has this got things back on topic ?? (no don't answer that)
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