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Old 29th April 2011, 01:15 PM
Eternal Eternal is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Bournemouth, Dorset
Posts: 599

Attending this year:

1) Spikehaus - Camping Sat Night / Sunday / Monday - Travel from Plymouth - Tin Top - arriving around 5-6 pm
2) Spud69 - Social weekend.... Camping Sunday night, arrive 9am Sunday - will have basic camping gear and plenty of boozing Sunday night - sleep wherever.....
3) Aerosam - Only able to come on the Monday this year, will have wife and baby in tow. Camping in the Hilton in Leicester
4)Les g and TJ Arriving 1800 Saturday leaving 1300ish Monday will be bringing the gas BBQ you are welcome to use it
5) Eternal - Monday only, Tintop from Bournemouth,Dorset.

Unable to attend this year:

1) Dogwood..(Sorry guys, date mixup )
2) baz-r.......(lastminute holiday, wish i could be in 2 places at once)


Tick if you are bringing item or add to the list if you are a happy sharing type person.

1) Crap Gas Camping Stove - 1,1
2) Some Beer - 1
3) Some Bacon - 1
4) Some Sausages - 1
5) Pack Egg - 1
6) Kettle -
7) BBQ -
8) Cool Box
9) Tiny Dome Tent that stilll stinks from previous adventure! - 1,1
10) Large Tent
Build Cost: .............. lost count a while back.

Skyline Roadster
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