Thread: Chassis welding
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Old 9th July 2011, 03:42 PM
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Originally Posted by H-L-Smith View Post
God, the layout on your build table is so neat! Did you do that on a plotter and then glue it on the top surface? It looks too legible to be done by hand.

In either case, congratulations on some very nice work.
Thank you very much for the compliments mate !
Yes, I drew the base frame map of the chassis on a 2D vectorial drawing software, and then I made it print by a map printer company (the guys printing maps for architects or designers).
Then I pined the map on my table, with the centre line as the main reference. I was trusting my skills with the computer much more than my skills at drawing on the table with a pencil and a square ! And I have to confess that I don't regret it at all : the map was spot on, and the tubes just fitted perfectly. For the price (printing the map was about 20 euros), it was actually worth to do it.
Of course, sometimes when you tack, the paper is burning a little, and you have to be careful and not let it burn too much, but it is not a big deal. Now, after having tacked the complete chassis, yes, the layout looks much worse !
Thanks and good luck to you for the full welding !
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