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Old 29th August 2011, 03:00 PM
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Bonzo Bonzo is offline
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Cool Methinks

Here are my thoughts for what they are worth.

Yes, in principal, a sticky thread dedicated to the IVA test would be a great asset to this forum.

Perhaps something along the lines of “ IVA Test Results “ ( Pass or Fail )

I feel that this would be a little more positive title than “ IVA Failures Points “

As more folk get better conversant with the IVA regs, more cars are passing the test at the first attempt.
That is not to say that a few remedial tasks need to be done on the day.
All this information would be a priceless resource for the benefit of all forum users.

The reason I used the word in “ Principle “ ?

A thread of this nature could potentially lead to a fair bit of moderation in order to keep the thread tidy & on topic.
What I mean is, it won’t take long to untidy a thread if folk start asking if this or that will be ok for IVA or comments like “ The tester is this that & the third thing “


I know you have made mention of an IVA dedicated thread to condense the IVA testing manual.

Don’t think it would be possible Because.

1: The IVA test parameters are constantly being updated.

2: So much of the content of the IVA manual is open to each individual testers own personal point of view.

3: The IVA manual is also open to the personal views of the individual preparing a build for the IVA test.

IVA is much the same as the MOT test, something that may be fine at one test station might not be at another station.
Not an ideal situation to have but that’s just the way it is & I doubt it will ever change.

Sorry for my drivel .... I am bored today
I am not a complete idiot...........Some of the parts are missing !!
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