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Old 4th January 2012, 08:18 AM
Toyotus Toyotus is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 14
Default pedal construction

So I can't start my build log yet, as I'm waiting until I sell my truck to fund the "locost" project. (Wife says one project @ a time, can you believe that!?) So I decided to wittle at the things I can do for free, lots of free material @ my work, but no square tubing : ( So I bent the main roll bar hoop but its not nearly as good as I hoped, so I'm doing that later!

Anyway, I started cutting out the gas and clutch pedals with the plasma, and already started deviating from the book. First, my clutch will be hydraulic, so I left the bottom cable tang off the clutch, so I could mount the push rod clevis up on pedal. Sorry if I'm being vague,but I'm typing from my Droid and I just burned my left thumb so its slow going!

Basic clutch pedal

And also I had to enlarge the diameter of the round section due to me only having some 25mm/1inch tube not 22mm.

Here's the gas/accelerator. Notice how sharp the pedal face bend is, (that was not intended!)

Now the 25mm/1inch tube I scrounged was also galv. So PLEASE WEAR PROTECTIVE GEAR WHEN WELDING!

Notice the "purdy yellow coloring!"

I also reinforced the pedals, those pictures later. Let me know what you think, and if I'm doing something "deathly wrong"! Thanks in advance for all input
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