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Old 12th April 2012, 09:46 PM
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Default Stripping the sierra

Hi everybody,
I'm about to buy the Sierra and strip it. Two questions :
- A few months ago I saw in an international press shop, a number of the UK Kit Car Magazine where they published a guide about how to strip an MX-5 donor step by step. I would be very interested in the same guidelines for a Sierra, and I reckon that some years ago, they might have published the same kind of articles about how to strip a Sierra. If anybody has had a subscription for years and can tell we which numbers of the magazine I'll try to order them. Any other guide or tips about that is welcome. Thanks.
- I plan to strip the car in my small garage, as here, winter is not over yet (will it be one day ?). But I'm very concerned about how to put a car body with no wheels out of the garage after having stripped the car? It might not look like, but it is actually a very serious question
Thank you very much by advance for your answers and tips.
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