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Old 12th June 2012, 04:30 PM
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geeman geeman is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Croydon
Posts: 318

Wow, been over a year since my last update.

I have been living away at Uni for the last year so haven't spent more than a couple of hours on it until about 2 weeks ago when I finished my first year doing Mechanical Engineering at Imperial.

I essentially am off Uni till October so will be road legal within a month or two if it goes too plan.

Whats left to do:

I need to put some front indicators on. I've been putting this off for some reason for some time as I didn't want to drill the nose cone so considered mounting them on the cycle wings but couldn't find any, and wasn't sure if it would pass the IVA.

Make a half-decent interior. I've acquired a full leather cow hide which will be more than enough to cover the exposed aluminium to make it look nicer. I also need to blunten the sharp edges for the radii tests.

Fit the fuel filler, I just don't have any hose to plumb it onto the tank.

Finally what I imagine will be the last major job will be to source a replacement 1.8 CVH engine. The current one is a dud as it simply smokes too much, I've replaced the valve stem oil seals, worn them in, tried all sorts, but I've had enough of it and am just looking for a decent running CVH quite urgently. I may even buy another sierra if its a decent runner.

Paint the exhaust, and check all bolts have nylocks, are washered and correctly torqued including putting some locknuts on the steering rack and doing the tracking.

It really shouldn't be more than a few days work I hope, so should be in track worthy conditions within two weeks if I can find an engine ASAP. Today was the first time It looked near enough to complete which really was a buzz to get it on the road as soon as I can.


my build pics
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