Thread: Engine In Mule
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Old 5th July 2012, 10:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Wynand View Post

But why?
Quite simple really, because you can.
It will look the part & sound great.
Personally, I am a huge fan of the sound of a well tuned V8 engine.

I read lots of threads & posts on the subject of track performance.
This is fantastic if that is what floats your boat & are building a track orientated car.
So in that respect, I can see where you are coming from.

Me, I probably fall into a very small minority of builders.
I am not a very aggressive driver & do not have a craving for ultimate speed or performance.
For me the build is all about owning a 7'alike that I can potter about in on a nice sunny day.

That said, I do want enough power to be able to P**s on the fireworks of the local chav in his hot hatch
Although I am not a nippy driver, I am certainly not afraid of the loud pedal.

Bob is no stranger to the kit car world & I am sure he has done the maths.

One thing is for sure, his build will turn out to be a joy to behold.
I am not a complete idiot...........Some of the parts are missing !!
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