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Old 12th February 2013, 06:26 PM
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voucht voucht is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Lautrec, Tarn (81), Occitanie, France
Posts: 879
Default Closing for winter

Hi guys,
Just wanted to let you know that I closed the workshop and covered the chassis as I will not be touching the car during the next 2-3 months.


Actually, as some of you already know, my second job is diving instructor, and finally, I leave cold and snowy Sweden this year again to go to South East Asia for diving a couple of months. It is a bit "going back home" for me as I've been working four winter seasons in Thailand, and one summer in Malaysia between 2007 and 2012 as a diving instructor. And I don't get bothered going back there, these places offer such good life and excellent diving. This year, I'm starting an on-line diving booking website, and the main purpose of my trip this year will be to make contact with partner dive shops. So I'm going to Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, Malaysia... poor me

I take the plane tomorrow, so on Thursday, I'll be wearing my shorts and flip flops!

But I will still check the forum, I'll be "on-line" most of the time. Regarding the brake lines, you can still contact me for that as I will still be in contact with the company in France (I'm still working for them in a distance, where ever I am in the world )

... and may be I'll post one or two pictures to share a few sunbeams with you guys.

Good luck for you builds, jobs, IVA tests, and so on...

Bye !
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