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Old 7th June 2013, 03:31 PM
jps jps is offline
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Location: Colchester, Essex
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Originally Posted by s1im View Post
i've been a member here for a while now... seen companys involved with the roadster come and go.... builds start and then get passed around..... my own jobs change... move house..... and now i'm settled and finally ready to start a build!!
Am I a bit too late to the party? will iva's etc change by the time i get it built? from your guys experiance, would you start new build now???

Based in north essex, wit a currently empty ish garage (mini in garage would go!)
Where in North Essex? I'm just outside Colchester.

I've wondered the same, as i'm not exactly leaping forward with my build. I suspect it'll be a long time before legislation really does wipe out the kit car though, practically speaking it's all wrapped up in the kind of law that allows people to convert cars to carry wheel chairs, etc, and obviously that's not likely to be swept away.

Knowing what I do now about building a kit car I don't know if i'd go with a Roadster if I were starting today. It's not likely to be as cheap as i'd hoped - so other things might have appealed more.

But I wouldn't say there's any good reason not to build something!!!
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