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Old 10th July 2013, 03:36 PM
jason 82 jason 82 is offline
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Should get Ash on here if you are looking at strength of the chassis. I am sure that he said in a previous post that he has got 150 mph out of his Saab turbo powered car ( think the thread was talking about little wings on the nose cone to aid downforce ). A 7 is hardly an aerodynamic masterpiece, so if it can with stand that kind of force acting upon it, then that chassis design has been tested well enough in my eyes. I am using an mx5 1.8 in my car so it suits my needs. A 7 correct me if I am wrong, was designed to give amazing acceleration & the ability to handle like a train. Well that's my interpretation of a 7 any way. I don't think anybody was taking a pop at you, but the more information you can put in your posts, the better. That way everybody is on the same wave legnth.
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