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Old 14th November 2013, 08:32 PM
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K4KEV K4KEV is offline
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Sure you can Dave (clips)
Ok so arrived at Newcastle VOSA station 15 mins early which was just right for getting it off the trailer (which has performed great by the way) just as I pull off Alistair opens up the roller doors and I drive in and leave it running while he asked me to go off and "settle up" the £ the time I got back he had already gone through some of the previous failure items fog and headlamps although the headlamp pattern was not the best he had seen (sounds familiar that). So then on to speedo test this was way out as I had tweaked it the wrong way so out with 2 screwdrivers and a tweak the other way had it bang on with hardly any error. Up onto the 4 poster to check hand brake and he is happy with that in fact he said the effiency had gone up substantially since I changed the cable. No weighing to do as I had given him the letter stating the changed axle weights, and that was it... done and dusted. He said if he was a long time start to worry ....he was back out before I had strapped the car up ....then he said " do you want the good news or the bad news" I always opt for the bad when some one says that so he said " you will have to come back and see me (pause) for a social visit" good news is its passed and he gave that treasured piece of paper and wished me luck and that it was a very tidy build......couldn't stop smiling or singing all the way back, What a day as well wall to wall sun.
Anyway here is the car outside the station.

and here are a few short clips outside a disused factory unit.

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