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Old 1st May 2014, 07:49 PM
Enoch Enoch is offline
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Default Fibre glass - Advice for a newbie

Hi Folks, I am getting near to the point where I need to make the wings and running boards for my car. Trouble is I have no idea where to start
My design features long sweeping jobbies (not in the Scottish sense of the word) that go over the front wheels, sweep down to the running boards that join to the rear arches. I had the idea of building something out of wood and then encasing it in fibre glass - a technique that is often used on boats made out of plywood. I kind of figure I can make quite a complex shape that way and don't have to make a buck and all that for each side. anyone got any thoughts or guidance on that? The other thing is - I often hear about Gelcoat - is this a paint like substance to make the finish smooth? Does it get painted over - I know you get self coloured gel coat but don't know if there is anything between the fibre glass and gelcoat to get that smooth finish. Are there any books available that are worth reading?
Any help much appreciated cos I am stuck.
Best and all that,
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