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Old 2nd May 2014, 08:16 AM
Enoch Enoch is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Near Boston, Lincolnshire
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Hi Guys thanks for the replies.
ZX9 - The renewal for my web site came up - they wanted 60 quid a year for hosting it so I did not renew it. When I told them I wanted to end my contract they took it down immediately and I lost access to it so I could not then copy the contents to another site. All of the content was therefore lost, a bit of a warning there for anybody using 1&1

Ben, my car is totally unique so I don't think any prebuilt moulds would be anything like close enough, thanks anyway.

Wolly, that link you sent is certainly interesting. Methinks I will have to look in to this PU foam business. In your text you say you had to use a lot of PVA - what was that for? Is the foam resistant to the resin or do you have to use special stuff? Does it bend quite easily? It certainly seems like it might be the right way to go. Did you have to destroy the foam former? I think it would be cool if I go that way to make 2 sets so that I have spares.

Thanks again,
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