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Old 1st December 2011, 11:11 PM
mk1 mk1 is offline
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Originally Posted by voucht View Post
I would be happy to lend you mine, as I'm quite happy with it, but I'm in Sweden, so a bit too far away for you to pick it up !
I think there are almost as many different kinds of suspension jigs as there are builders. The one of the book is not the simplest, and people invented other solutions, and made it in different ways, and mine is of course not the only and best one (especially I think that making it from wood might be easier than from steel plates, as I did, as steel plates might be too flexible.) But here is the link to the thread of my blog about how I built it, with drawings, dimensions and so on. So if it can give you inspiration to build one you will be happy with, why not ?
and also the end of this thread :
... as my blog is not up to date, I don't have anything yet about placing the suspension brackets. But most of the important things are in these 2 threads.
Good luck anyway
Thanks all for the replies guys.

Syl, your jigs look a lot more robust than the book's, so I will give it a go. Im not unhappy with my top bracket jig, so I will modify this with your dims to add both bits as I have some extra studding and nuts.

Will let you know the outcome.

Thanks very much for your help.

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