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Old 25th June 2013, 04:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Davidbolam View Post
thats not too bad John. I am now worrying about my handbrake cables!! The balance can be adjusted easily with a allen key so that shouldn't be a problem.

Let me know if you think of a way to make the cable not hit the back of the car!!

Was it a fund drive there and back?

I'll let you know what I do David; I'm currently thinking I might attack the cables supports at the caliper end with an angle grinder and re-weld them at a slightly different angle. I tried bending them at the test centre, but they're pretty tough and wouldn't budge!

The drive there was terrifying. I pootled along at 40mph with lorries overtaking me scared it was going to fall apart or blow up

I was rather more confident on the way home though, and took a slightly more scenic route. Still terrifying, but in a good way!
It feels a bit dull and flat below 4000 rpm, but I found if I kept the revs above that I couldn't stop grinning! Flooring it in second then third had me squealing like a girl
The most striking thing is the way it corners though, the steering's nice and direct, and the lack of body roll feels awsome. It's almost like driving a go kart

The only things really I want to change at the moment are the accelerator pedal which has far too much travel, and the clutch pedal which doesn't have nearly enough.
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