Thread: im confused!
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Old 21st June 2011, 04:38 PM
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Default im confused!

righty then,

this registering thinggy had got my head in a mess... again!

sent a letter to my local (leeds) DVLA office explaining what im doing and asking for a vin number or information to get one. (used the draft letter in the announcements as a template) and got the following reply.

further to your letter dated 13/05/2011, in order for us to issue a DVLA VIN you will need to present your vehicle to us for an inspection and complete the enclosed applications (v55/5 and v267/1) we will contact you for an inspection as soon as we receive your application.

please submit the following documents:

a completed V55
£55 registration fee and appropriate vehicle excise duty
identification (information enclosed)
certificate of insurance (can be presented after inspection)
V627/1 (enclosed)
receipts for major components (such as chassis)
V5C registration document for donor vehicle
IVA test certificate (after DVLA VIN issued and inspected)

now this makes no sense to me, im asking for a vin so that i can get a new(ish) built vehicle, finished and tested, i cant register it yet so why are they asking me to stump up £55?

can anyone shed some light on the situation please? it would be greatly appreciated!

Ta Very Much

its reight! is not a suitable measurement!
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