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K4KEV 22nd December 2010 05:02 PM

Well said Ash .......in this country, with a suicidal economy/coalition..... penny pinching IS the way forward...GGGrrrrrrrr where's me effin soapbox:mad: :mad: :mad:

flyerncle 22nd December 2010 07:21 PM

Blame the political (w)bankers who let the bankers get away with it in the first place because they fill the coffers of the wbankers.

monsterob 22nd December 2010 10:17 PM

When the vat was reduced to 15% i got a 10% pay decrease and had to bank 400 hours which im still paying back. that drop of 2.5% then and the 2.5% increase now helps me immensly.

But i still have a job. Seems thats the only thing i can be thankfull of.

Airhead 22nd December 2010 11:17 PM

AshG - I do not appreciate being called an idiot for having an opinion. Another opinion of mine is that the county is in the state it is because there are people who are happy to put other folks down to big themselves up.

It is only £6.50, get over it.

les g 22nd December 2010 11:18 PM

I,m sorry but i must add my bit
my stepson is a banker in an international bank
address...... Mayfair london..
do they deserve the money.....DO THEY F..K
he jets around the world etc etc etc moans about the the long hours etc etc
and this year moaned that his bonus was not very good......:rolleyes:
if you can guess how much of his Oxford education fees he has repaid his
mum and me i,ll paypal it to you in in the next 24 hrs
he but i,m not bitter :o
shame he,s snowed in :D
cheers les g

les g 22nd December 2010 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Airhead (Post 50452)
AshG - I do not appreciate being called an idiot for having an opinion. Another opinion of mine is that the county is in the state it is because there are people who are happy to put other folks down to big themselves up.

It is only £6.50, get over it.

i could not agree more
moderators should make posts calling people stupid
cheers les g

fabbyglass 22nd December 2010 11:29 PM

Happy easter......:rolleyes:

les g 22nd December 2010 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by fabbyglass (Post 50457)
Happy easter......:rolleyes:

did i mention i,m off on me holidays in March :D
cheers les g

fabbyglass 22nd December 2010 11:46 PM

You are on holiday more than you work so is work your holiday and holiday some weird work thing?...or am i just confused......roll on the summer i hate xmas!;)

Airhead 23rd December 2010 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by les g (Post 50454)
definitely abusive
calling for a moderator to eliminate Ash g
cant be having this type of thing on the forum
after all its an open forum and PG rated :p
cheers les g

Dude that sarcasm is totally unnecassary, would you like it if I popped up there and starting calling you stupid because your opinion differs from mine?

I know it was said tongue in cheek etc and I am trying to have a sense of humor but it is getting harder; perhaps its my mid life crisis OMG!

Appologies if my flippant acceptance of the state of the economy caused any offence to those of you who only have £6.50 to buy a weeks meals; one question though - I know they are Locost but how the hell can you afford to build a sports car? Priorities.

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