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Davey 18th April 2010 05:16 PM

One little question, and I'm not trying to be difficult here but looking forward (hopefully). What is the main reason for bringing such a club into being?

Another question that is related is what will be the main aim and objective of such a club?

The answers to these two questions will hopefully form the backbone of the club's constitution.


HandyAndy 18th April 2010 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Davey (Post 36442)
One little question, and I'm not trying to be difficult here but looking forward (hopefully). What is the main reason for bringing such a club into being?

Another question that is related is what will be the main aim and objective of such a club?

The answers to these two questions will hopefully form the backbone of the club's constitution.


A couple of good constructive questions there Davey.....

My main reason for suggesting of creating such a club was to allow "us" to have the contact details available in publications such as the various kit car magazines to hopefully inform people that this forum & the concept of building a car from the book excists, for people that haven,t found this forum or are not aware that the "Book" is available.

The main aim of the club is to raise awareness of the Haynes Roadster Marque/Brand by all possible public means.

From that foundation the club could then go onto being able to possibly finding discounts from insurance / trackdays etc etc similar to how other clubs benefit.


spud69 18th April 2010 05:34 PM

Just seen this thread, been busy all weekend, but what a great idea. The Haynes Roadster scene is big enough and getting bigger to warrant this....:cool: A section could also be dedicated to development of the single seater, would be good for people to see and attract more excitement and interest. There's loads you could put in there if somebody has the time to do it.

I believe £10 a year would be more reasonable / realistic, i'm sure most people have had experience of how costs can spiral for things projects that you think wont cost TOO much, especially if you call into B&Q for a few bits.

Go for it.......AndyH

Davey 18th April 2010 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by HandyAndy (Post 36449)
A couple of good constructive questions there Davey.....

My main reason for suggesting of creating such a club was to allow "us" to have the contact details available in publications such as the various kit car magazines to hopefully inform people that this forum & the concept of building a car from the book excists, for people that haven,t found this forum or are not aware that the "Book" is available.

The main aim of the club is to raise awareness of the Haynes Roadster Marque/Brand by all possible public means.

From that foundation the club could then go onto being able to possibly finding discounts from insurance / trackdays etc etc similar to how other clubs benefit.


Top man Andy, those are just about exactly the answers I was looking for. Don't forget that as the club would be retaining personal details of its members it will fall under the data protection act and therefore will need to be registered with the commissioner blah blah blah:D . A committee will need to be formed with a detailed constitution laying out the intentions and purposes of the club and how it expects members to behave etc etc etc. It's all good fun running a club:p , been there, done that, don't want to play again:p .


HandyAndy 18th April 2010 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Davey (Post 36470)
Top man Andy, those are just about exactly the answers I was looking for. Don't forget that as the club would be retaining personal details of its members it will fall under the data protection act and therefore will need to be registered with the commissioner blah blah blah:D . A committee will need to be formed with a detailed constitution laying out the intentions and purposes of the club and how it expects members to behave etc etc etc. It's all good fun running a club:p , been there, done that, don't want to play again:p .


Cheers Davey...........

So that we can be prepared prior to stoneleigh, how about forum members submitting themselves or nominating others for the committee,
also so that once an elected committee(informally until final acceptance) has been suggested lets also have suggestions to be included in the clubs constitution.
This is purely my opinion at this point......it would be nice to have the input of all forum members of how this club can be created .

so come on guys..... get your thoughts /idea,s / suggestions onto this thread.


twinturbo 18th April 2010 08:19 PM

Won't be at Stoneligh myself, but I am sure you guys can come up with a good plan.


tex 18th April 2010 09:11 PM

if your looking for web space the best deal iv come across so far is at
They are doing lifetime hosting for just £50! You then buy whatever name you find which is around £15 - £20 for 2 years.. Iv used them a lot for a few websites iv made in the past and they are pretty good!
You get all the bells and whistles for that too.. Unlimited email addresses.. Shopping carts etc.. Is good! You can use the home page on their site to search for what name you want too..

HandyAndy 19th April 2010 06:18 PM

Little Update.......

I,ve been in touch with Chris Gibbs & he thinks this is a great idea, :cool:

I have asked Chris if he would do us the honour of being the club president & he has replied that he would be honoured to be the president IF thats what members would like .........as if not eh????? :D

Chris has also said he would contact Haynes to see if we would be allowed to use the "Haynes" name in the club title etc..........

so..........may I ask for nominations (nominate yourself or other forum members only if they are happy to be nominated) for the role of secretary & treasurer please............ I will then create a thread giving the list of names & attach a private poll to that thread.........

so come on guys......lets get this off the ground please.


baz-r 19th April 2010 08:24 PM

all seems a bloody good idea to me chaps.

im in!

can i put myself down for a owners club smoking pipe and lighter from the merchendice shop :rolleyes:

Bonzo 19th April 2010 08:39 PM

I am dead keen to see the creation of a club dedicated to the Roadster & the single seater once the book has been published :cool:

Willing to assist in any way possible to ensure that it becomes a reality :)

Happy to assist with some of the minor admin work involved but feel that my personal circumstances would prevent me from taking on any major role :(

Also quite happy to make an additional contribution towards the web hosting cost of a club domain .... This may be difficult to fund via subscriptions alone whilst the club formation is at an early stage ;)

John Marchant 19th April 2010 09:29 PM

Please count me in for joining. Sounds like a great idea.

tex 19th April 2010 09:57 PM

the domain is only around £20 or so for a couple of years - the hosting is the bit more

Jeze2903 20th April 2010 11:38 AM

Sounds like a great idea..count me in :)

HandyAndy 20th April 2010 01:12 PM

Thanks everyone for your support of the idea :cool:

We have our president....... Mr Chris Gibbs

we now need to have forum members to come forward who are willing to be committee members / a secretary / a treasurer........ Thanks to the forum members who have offered their help in the running of the club, but can you also add your name to the list below stating what involvement you would be happy to offer.

so can anyone wishing to be involved in the running of the club please come forward & add themselves to the list below,

Chris Gibbs = president
Handyandy = willing to be secretary or committee member


twinturbo 20th April 2010 01:48 PM

Twinturbo - Possibly Treasury and Postal Shop ( if somone handles organising the merchandise) Although I won't attend many shows this year for direct shop sales.


bobbyh 21st April 2010 10:24 AM

Chris Gibbs = president
Handyandy = willing to be secretary or committee member
Twinturbo - Possibly Treasury and Postal Shop ( if somone handles organising the merchandise) Although I won't attend many shows this year for direct shop sales.
Bobbyh - committee member or Treasury or what ever you would like me to do

twinturbo 21st April 2010 11:20 AM


I have actualy started adding a bit of content to my own website so you guys can see what a Joomla Engine could do for us. Currently all my articles are published for public viewing but registerd club members could be set to access these only.



Bonzo 21st April 2010 11:42 AM

I'll nominate TT as the Club website designer :)

I would be quite happy to store & distribute any club merchandise, however I do not have the contacts to arrange the procurement of any mechandise .

Would also be quite happy to assist on any committee but again, geographicaly it would be unpractical, the costs involved attending meetings would be prohibitive :(

Quite happy to be the clubs Post Master though :)

spud69 21st April 2010 12:46 PM

This seems to be gathering pace faster than the Ash cloud over Europe, all excellent for the brand as a whole. Been talking to Steve Hole earlier (CKC magazine) and he thinks its a great step forward for the roadster and will support it in the mag as best he can. I'm sure complete kit car will do the same plus Rob from Kit Car mag is coming to see us soon so will also discuss it with him.

It would be nice if Saturn could get involved with the club but there is too much going on at the moment to get involved with anything else. But if there is anything Saturn can do to assist then please let us know.

All the best with all the hard work to come


twinturbo 21st April 2010 12:59 PM

It will be gr8 if we can get mags to publicise the inception of the club.


Balidey 21st April 2010 01:54 PM

How about the "Haynes Roadster and Single Seater owners club"? As I am putting off my Roadster plans so I can do the SS instead. One club to encompass both? The HRASSOC? :D

twinturbo 21st April 2010 07:43 PM

Can we come up with some amusing acronym???


gingea1pom 25th April 2010 01:57 PM

Men (and women (do we have any women on the forum?))

Now I don’t promise anything and don’t hold me to this


On my way into Andover yesterday I passed a shop that makes and sells signs and vinyl banners. Now on the stand where the roadsters are going to park (Block 39) I guess other clubs will have banners such as ‘Locost car club’, ‘Formula 27 owners’ club’, Historic specials club’, there are more clubs in the same block but you get the idea.

I was thinking of popping in and asking how much for a vinyl banner saying ‘Haynes roadster builders club’. Just a small one that can be bungeed to the roll bar of someone’s car, maybe Ash’s, as most people there probably read CKC and will recognise his car.

This might generate more interest when the Roadster Builders Club gets up and running.

Just my thoughts, interested to hear your thoughts.

Cheers Ginge

HandyAndy 25th April 2010 02:04 PM

great idea Ginge :cool:


Have we decided on a Club name yet?

I,m working in the background regarding this club, ( amongst lots of steel :eek: )

I suppose it wouldn,t be a massive problem if at a later date the final "Name" was changed ( would like to see the single seater mentioned if poss)
but it would be great to have a banner of some degree for next weekend...


twinturbo 25th April 2010 02:14 PM

How about the Haynes Self Build Club

Single Seater,

Wider Audience..


gingea1pom 25th April 2010 02:23 PM


Ref the name I like TT’s idea of, ‘Haynes Self Build Club’, which would of course make us the HSBC.:D

The banner is really only for this weekend and it will be quite small and hopefully inexpensive.

My thinking was really to make us stand out from the rest on the block.


I like that name, it rolls better than ‘Haynes Roadster Builders Club’ and as I mentioned it makes us the HSBC.

Cheers Ginge

HandyAndy 25th April 2010 02:29 PM

Ginge / TT

I too like the name TT has suggested, as TT says " a wider audience" plus there are books that covers the vehicles TT has mentioned....& also if any further designs are brought out in the future it would cover those too :cool:

If poss Ginge ( subject to cost) , I,d suggest you get a banner for next week, & we,ll all chat about the forming of the club over the weekend.

cheers guys for your input :)


GraemeWebb 25th April 2010 02:37 PM

If we are using the Haynes name how about some sponsorship?? Not said entirely toungue in cheek. Could help pay for website etc.

Anja O'No 25th April 2010 02:38 PM

Hi Ginge
yes there is a lady amongst you builders...I like your idea of a banner, we should attract as much attention as possible...
I am sure I will meet most of you all at Stoneleigh...I am counting the days to the weekend as I have heard nothing but great things from this event...let the fun begin..

Cheers Anja


Originally Posted by gingea1pom (Post 36873)
Men (and women (do we have any women on the forum?))

Now I don’t promise anything and don’t hold me to this


On my way into Andover yesterday I passed a shop that makes and sells signs and vinyl banners. Now on the stand where the roadsters are going to park (Block 39) I guess other clubs will have banners such as ‘Locost car club’, ‘Formula 27 owners’ club’, Historic specials club’, there are more clubs in the same block but you get the idea.

I was thinking of popping in and asking how much for a vinyl banner saying ‘Haynes roadster builders club’. Just a small one that can be bungeed to the roll bar of someone’s car, maybe Ash’s, as most people there probably read CKC and will recognise his car.

This might generate more interest when the Roadster Builders Club gets up and running.

Just my thoughts, interested to hear your thoughts.

Cheers Ginge

dogwood 25th April 2010 05:36 PM

Just my thought.
Not that its worth a lot tonight, defo had a few too many shererts....

As it's only for the weekend, and we havent really decided on a name yet.
Why not promote the forum.
And have a banner with
Haynes Roadster Forum...
Just a thought, defo be a bit different.

twinturbo 25th April 2010 06:07 PM

too many sherbets to even type it right :o


gingea1pom 26th April 2010 12:26 PM


Went down and ordered the banner and paid for it.

I took ideas from all that showed an interest, remember it is just for the show;) so the name is not set in stone, although I quite like it.

Also I liked Dogwoods suggestion.

I can’t attach anything to this post whilst at work but it reads

Haynes Self
Build Club

Visit the public forum at
The top two lines are in a much bigger font than the bottom two, it will be a black banner with white text and is only 400mm high by 900mm wide, should fit on a Roadster roll bar.:D

No more suggestions please because they will probably be really good and I can’t change it now.

Really quite exited about Stoneleigh now, must try and focus on work, weapon cleaning this afternoon!:mad:

Cheers Ginge

twinturbo 26th April 2010 04:31 PM



gingea1pom 26th April 2010 04:59 PM


I got it in the end, I think:rolleyes:

Might be a little obscure though.

Cheers Ginge

(Monday out the way 3 ½ days to push):D

Bonzo 26th April 2010 05:17 PM

Club name
I have been thinking about this for quite some time .... You all know me, never do anything in a hurry :o

I quite like the name " Haynes Self Build Club " but can't help feeling that it looses a little of the Roadsters identity ?

How's about

Haynes Sports Car Builders Club

This will encompass both the Roadster & The single seater when it comes into being.


Haggle - Scavange - Cadge - Borrow & Create :D :)

Like I said, not adverse to the name of HSBC & quite happy to go with the flow & wish for some form of club to emerge :)

spud69 26th April 2010 06:01 PM

Got my vote Ronnie.....:D

Can't stand the HSBC anyway.....Robbing Barstewards

Bonzo 26th April 2010 06:09 PM

Hmmm .... H S C B C !!??

Having - Started - Certain - Bankruptcy - Claim :eek: :D

I realy must find myself something usefull to do today :o :rolleyes:

dogwood 26th April 2010 06:29 PM

Good on ya Ginge.
Looks all good to me.

No messin, just get out there and get it done. :D

HandyAndy 26th April 2010 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Bonzo (Post 36944)

Haggle - Scavange - Cadge - Borrow & Create

:D :D
Now, I like this......as it sort of covers every angle of my build :o :D

Nice one Ginge.......how much did the banner cost if you mind me asking?


gingea1pom 26th April 2010 07:31 PM

£25, plus the Vodka and tonic.

I could have got it cheaper on line, but

1. They where standard sizes on-line that didn’t fit the roll bar on a roadster.:(

2. I couldn’t play around with the design much.:(

3. No where did it say when it would be delivered.

4. The bloke down town did it just how I wanted. (black background white righting):D

5. He will put the eyelets just where I want.:D

6. I actually like speaking to a person and discussing my requirements.

Cheers Ginge

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