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twinturbo 5th April 2013 08:02 AM

I got the passenger rear indicator and stop/tail fitted yesterday. And Dug out 2 faulty flasher relays before finding a working one.

I also found a 2 good lengths of 9 conductor cable ( from a granada or scorpio ) with the matching multiplugs. So that will be perfect for the main wiring runs.

2 days without kids arround so may make a bit more progress...


twinturbo 6th April 2013 09:04 AM

Day 1 without kids turned into about 2.5hrs ...

30 mins was spent looking for a marker pen I put down somewhere, the other 2hrs was fitting the rear wing on the drivers side..

Then the Helpere came back , so after lunch we fitted the drievers rear lamps.

Note that after IVA the yellow indicators will be replaced with clear lenses.


thailoz 6th April 2013 09:18 AM

looking good I am just having a break building my build table

twinturbo 6th April 2013 08:58 PM

So at 9:45AM Kids gone with Inlaws, Wife off to Gateshead Ikea.... So time to have a coffee

Then crack on with something...

This is how the rear presently looks, I ordered rear fog/reverse/reflectors/ number plate lamp today.

Then I decided to continue my dash that I cut out probably 18 months ago. I decided to fit my little rev counter behind the steering wheel to fill a gap. But it needed a refurb first so rubbed down the bezel and sprayed it up.

I then fitted my Acewell Digi Dash recessed into the panel.

I have ordered some switches as well today. These are needed along with some foam padding before I can proceeed.

And since the family had still not returned I went to B&Q on the hunt for something to hold my flexible conduit that will be my wiring lanes, 20mm plumbing pipe clips are absolutely perfect!! Mounted on a bit of salvaged galvanised C-Channel they look quite nice , the one in the photo is actually for the transmission tunnel but it gives the idea.


twinturbo 6th April 2013 09:05 PM

The gap round the acewell was left in order to get the vinyl in.

The counter after it's respray.


twinturbo 7th April 2013 08:20 PM

Did more tidying of the garage than working today.

Welded threaded rod to the T-nuts for the dashboard, ordered 50 6mm Flanged nuts to suit and then whilst tidying found 6 flanged nuts :rolleyes:

Started on my 4th attempt at putting together the wing stays.

and sorted through my boxes of old wiring for suitable multiplugs for the loom build.


Johno 8th April 2013 11:25 AM

Looking good TT,
Like the colour scheme. It's a reassuring thing knowing being yellow you've got a good chance of being seen in most wing mirrors etc... (well I hope so anyway).
Are the front wings going to be black as well. I'm in two minds what colour mine are going to be yet.

Keep the photos coming.

twinturbo 8th April 2013 01:03 PM

Black Nose, Bonnet , Wings,
Yellow Scuttle, Sides, Tub.

I love it, I uses the colour picker on westfield world website to make myself sure.


twinturbo 12th April 2013 09:54 PM

Don't worry, I have not gone of task yet....

Rear reflectors have been fitted, and I have made up the plinths for the NAS fog and reverse lamps ( photo's to follow ).

The NAS lamps are 100MM in diameter, I spend ages on ebay looking for some container or tube I could cut down to make the plinths. Ages..

Then on B&Q's website I spotted 100mm ventilation ducting.

Went to B&Q and a ~50CM section was nearly £8... However they do a "telescopic" section which is ~40CM of 100MM with ~40cm of slightly larger. ( so almost the same length on the 100MM more material in total, more complex to sort for the supplier , so of course it's under £5 ( go figure.. )

Cut the plinths flush to the rear panel and have started to spray them up.

Also carried on with the dash and have cut out the switch panel ( it's a separate unit to the main panel in case it needs changing. It's been trimmed and the switchpack fitted... Now to move onto trimming the main dash pad.


twinturbo 14th April 2013 04:38 PM

Have had to remake my dash backing as I realised I want a OIL Pressure and water temperature Gauge and the acewell does not do that. And it was very fragile above the collumn.

So I have recut a new backing, reshaped it slightly and cut in 3 holes for 52mm Guages.

I was constructing a lower brace when our 8yr old also sugested using it to carry the wiring back to the scuttle.. What a Super Idea.. BIG credit to Toby on that one.


twinturbo 21st April 2013 03:21 PM

well apart from the wiring. I guess the dash is finsihed.

It's not perfect, there's a couple of mistakes. But it's passable.

twinturbo 21st April 2013 03:24 PM

And the old fog/reverse lamps. New LED "F" one on the way.


twinturbo 1st May 2013 08:38 AM

Hopefully the LED rear fog/rev should arrive today or tomorrow.

Making some slow progress on the dash wiring but getting there.

Not sure what to do next after the dash wiring, the garage is a tip again as I am in the process of stripping the engine out of my XR4x4 and getting the original no turbo ready to go in ( and trial fitting a Jaguar AJV6 as a point of interest....) so there's engines and parts of everything everywhere.....


thailoz 1st May 2013 03:10 PM

nice dash what switches are they ?

twinturbo 1st May 2013 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by thailoz (Post 90037)
nice dash what switches are they ?

Durite modular ones, I got mine from SVC . Come with their own multiplugs so they are fairly neat. I made the infill panel separate so that I can change things easily.


Johno 1st May 2013 08:59 PM

Looking good TT,:cool: :cool:
I'm swaying to getting black wings now after seeing your build. Do you have any photos of the whole car to see what it looks like.

twinturbo 1st May 2013 10:02 PM

Not presently,

It seems difficult to get a shot of it in the garage...

Will try and give it a go for you tomorrow.


SeriesLandy 1st May 2013 10:41 PM

Black wings on a different colour body looks good (IMO)
Heres a shot of mine, although its blue not yellow!

twinturbo 2nd May 2013 07:44 AM

My seats match too,

Black with yellow piping.

Sorting the colour scheme was an early task in 2010. My eldest ( now 9 nearly ) wanted blue and red ( bit like the Gulf cars ) but since it was my money I won.


twinturbo 2nd May 2013 07:48 AM

Hopefully today I will be able to push my XR4x4 down the drive a bit, move the 24V Sapphire and possibly get the Roadster a little bit of sunshine.


deezee 2nd May 2013 12:15 PM

Roadster is looking good, coming along a charm.

twinturbo 2nd May 2013 06:32 PM

Cheers... Been concentrating on the Sierra these last few days whilst off work which means I am goosed by the evening so little progress on the roadster. But going to try and keep chipping at it now that The rear wings are done, and the dash layout is done..


twinturbo 12th May 2013 04:10 PM

It was difficult to get the camera far enough away to get a shot... but this is what it looks like.

And the new rear fog/reverse light fitted.

In the process of clearing up the garage a bit too so it's all a mess. And bits of sierra all over the place too as I keep on at that project(s)


Johno 12th May 2013 05:01 PM

That's looking really sweet TT...:cool:
I think I'm going to go down the black wing route now also....:)
Where did you get your lights from and I guess they are LED?

twinturbo 12th May 2013 05:46 PM


the stop/tail/indicator are fillament. The rev/fog were originally fillament but the fog was not "F" Marked so they swapped them for the LED ones.


twinturbo 15th June 2013 10:34 AM

Almost no progress this month due to

1) Having to be tight with the pennies.
2) Being on holiday
3) Taking up Cycling
4) Doing some work on the XR4x4
5) Garage being a mess..
6) RSI's in my wrists
7) Not being bothered.

I did start on mounting the casing for my fuse box, which took some thought and swearing then striking luck with my thoughts and solving a few problems in one go. The reality at the moment is that I can't be bothered to finish the dash wiring which realy is the step that needs finishing before moving on.

Trying to sell some bits and bobs from my garage spares to make some funds but they will probably go elsewhere anyway!


robo 15th June 2013 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by twinturbo (Post 90221)
It was difficult to get the camera far enough away to get a shot... but this is what it looks like.

And the new rear fog/reverse light fitted.

In the process of clearing up the garage a bit too so it's all a mess. And bits of sierra all over the place too as I keep on at that project(s)


I know how you feel rob, I had been hoarding stuff for years and thought sod it the space is worth more to me than the shite I have gathered. Living on a farm means you gather more things than perhaps you should so I had a mass sort out. 180 tons of old tractors,machines,engines and vehicles went to the scrap yard over the period of a month:o Upside is it has given me space for my toys and a man cave to be proud of. happy days.


twinturbo 13th October 2013 09:00 AM

Garage is now tidy, and one sill on the XR4x4 is now almost done. Too dark to cycle on an evening...

But it's getting cold!

Time to take a look at what to get on with.


twinturbo 19th October 2013 03:43 PM

Garage now untidy.

Change of plans on my wiring. I was going to build a bespoke fuse box and loom. But that was going to be £70-80+++

I was picking up a spare 2.9 V6 for the XR4x4 and the guy gave me the remains of the loom from the car. So the plan now is to do what I have advised most people not to do........

Fortunatly I already know sierra looms very well and can identify which sections are not needed quite easily. And I have the official diagrams.

I will cut out the junk, and then shorten the runs that are needed adding in multiplugs at the fuse box so that it can be removed easily, it's one thing that many sierra owners curse ford for being cheap when designing the fues box.


alga 24th October 2013 07:13 PM

I was going to make an original loom just using the Sierra fuse box, but ended up basically replicating the Sierra layout of the fuses and relays for the things that remained. This way the fuse ratings and wire gauges are right everywhere, and most of the crimped connections inside could remain. It's not a bad option if you don't find the Sierra fuse box fugly. The Sierra wiring is relatively pedestrian (I had a 1993 Mondeo loom to break apart, too, that was way more complex), but you get a couple of spare relays and fuses for stuff you might want to add (ECU, fuel pump, rad fan and such in my case).

Here's the diagram I pasted inside the fusebox lid. Maybe you'll find it any use.

twinturbo 25th October 2013 12:10 PM

Yeah it was one of the last of the simple cars. Now you get 2-3 fuesboxes.

Will have to sit on the dinign room floor unpicking the useless stuff.


twinturbo 23rd November 2013 11:19 PM

Loom Slimmin has begun, only got as far as untapeing most of it.

It's not helped by being an XR4x4 loom as it has the extra wiring for the AWS and lamp failure. Fortunatly the official diagrams are a gr8 help there.

Once the chaff has gone the fuesebox will be re-terminated with multiplugs and the remaining loom sections fitted with matching plugs. This will make it pluggable for ease of removal.


twinturbo 9th December 2013 10:15 PM

I have spent about 5 hrs sitting on the dining room floor, with the loom, the oficial diagram, meter and snips.

All the Window, Mirror, CLM, Fuel Puta, AWS, Lamp Failure, Wiper, Washer, Front Fog, Dash Dimmer, Wiper Speed, Stereo, Fag Lighter, ABS Feed, Interior Lighting, And other assorted crap has been cut out.

Some wires are awaiting re-joining especialy for the removal of the lamp failure module. The loom I had was also missing the loom from the A-Pillar back so that will need making up.

Next stage is to split down the sections and terminate on multiplugs to make the loom PLUGGABLE.


twinturbo 19th October 2014 08:17 PM

Dragged the loom out of the corner of the dining room and started to refresh my memory as to where I got to. Got as far as Identifying some of the branches and the labels on the floor no longer on the wires :rolleyes: .

Then went out and fitted the fues box to it's mount.

So only 10 months of inactivity :)


flyerncle 20th October 2014 09:11 AM

Spent nearly all day trying to suss out Sierra loom and it was labelled up too,then had brainwave,bin it and get Tiger one.

Sorted in a couple of hours.:D

twinturbo 20th October 2014 08:21 PM

Would be nice but Every penny counts at the moment, Changed my daily driver in august to try and save cost. But the previous owner of my BMW 530D neglected a few major issues that so far have cost me £1K and I calculate another £250 to just fix all the things that were wrong. And the wifes car has cost near £800 to all in just 3 months.

My freind brought round his MX5 1800 track car the other day and it gave me a glimmer of inspiration again, same day I took the BMW from Brough, Over middleton in teesdale and down to Hexham via Alsoton. The BMW was fantastic at covering the distance so long as the bends were not tight!

So I will just continue with the Sierra loom, got to go into work tonight though having been there all day already ... So not tiring my brian this evening.


twinturbo 7th June 2020 09:00 PM

I have started to design my fuse box PCB, I have been doing a lot of PCB designs recently and learned a lot.

I need to order a new Fog switch and work out the new rules.

The garage should be tidy as I have sold a lot of sierra parts, but it looks no different!

Time to have another stab at tidying it up so i have some space...


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