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skov 3rd February 2013 11:14 AM

I've been playing with the sewing machine again this morning :o

Thought I'd have a go at doing some diamond stitching:

I do like a bit of diamond stitching, but I'm not quite sure whether it's going to look right on the roadster or not :confused:

My current thought is that I'd make panels like this to go between the rails on the chassis sides, and also run it down the sides of the tranny tunnel (with plain black vinyl along the top of the tunnel).

Is it going to be worth the effort, or just look stupid?

Dualist 3rd February 2013 05:24 PM

I like it, especially as I was looking at the Lucra cars this morning. The 7's are a little plain on the inside, but this I like :)

K4KEV 3rd February 2013 06:02 PM

You could earn some dollar doing that John :) it certainly looks rather professional.

flyerncle 3rd February 2013 09:28 PM

New Lucra on the drawing board with silly HP,tunable Corvette engine's I believe.

Davidbolam 3rd February 2013 11:10 PM

That looks really good. Very morganesque. I was planning on carpet triangles in there! Will the tubing be ok for Iva ? Ie are the corners not too sharp?


skov 4th February 2013 07:41 AM

Thanks guys! I think I might make a couple more panels before I decide.
It's never going to look anything like as good as that Lucra though :eek:

I'm sure plenty have passed IVA with the frame tubes exposed on the inside haven't they?

skov 17th February 2013 04:11 PM

Spent the last couple of weeks fitting and wiring my headlights and front indicators.
That took a bit longer than I expected...

Turns out I had originally welded my headlight brackets on in the wrong place and the front wheels hit them on full lock :rolleyes:
After umming and arring for months on what to do I ended up just cutting the end of the brackets off, and drilling new holes in them for the headlight bolts to go through.
To cover the resulting sharp edges I pushed on a couple of rubber end caps before fitting the headlights (still need to put some trim around the headlight bases).

For the indicator extensions I went locost and used a metal tube from my old bed frame (I kept hold of a couple after dismantling it, thinking they'd come in handy for something!).

Rather than two individual extensions I went for a single tube running the whole width, with a couple of nuts welded into the end to screw the indicators into.
To hold it in place I just used sikaflex on the inside of the nose cone (and sikaflexed my front grill in place while I was at it).

Also fibreglassed some cable tie bases in to the nose cone to keep the wiring tidy.

I've changed the wiring slightly since I took the above photo so the wires for both indicators come out of the same hole in the tube, and both run down the side with the tie bases so I only have to disconnect the wires in one place to remove the nosecone.

Johno 17th February 2013 08:14 PM

Hi John,
Blimey the're some big lamps you got there....:eek:
Looks like you've been spending a few hours in the garage lately...
The diamond infill panels look sweet, are you planning to fit them or are they just work in progress?:) :)

As always a cracking job...:cool:

minicountryman1961 17th February 2013 10:35 PM

when I bought my headlamps, I wish I had bought these with the builtin turn signals. A friend of mine did, and his car is looking much cleaner on the front.http://www.yogisinc.com/index.cfm/pa...od/prd7481.htm

skov 17th February 2013 11:43 PM

They're not that big Johno!
They're the standard 7 inch ones, they do look a bit big in the photos now you mention it, must be a trick of the camera or summink :)

The diamond panels were a bit of an experiment and I haven't got around to making any more yet.
I'm fairly sure I'll end up fitting them or something similar at some point.

Those headlights with built in indicators area great idea, if not a little late for me!
Not sure I'd want to pay that much for them though :eek:

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