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HandyAndy 4th October 2010 05:35 PM

:cool: Fantastic news, :cool:

Well done Gus. I imagine you are grinning from ear to ear:D

Thats good news about the DVLA inspection :)

Enjoy your well deserved drive of YOUR Roadster.


twinturbo 4th October 2010 05:48 PM

Excelent well done.


Bonzo 4th October 2010 06:20 PM

Brilliant news Gus :cool:

A huge well done on turning out such a nice build, very much looking forward to seeing it for real at Exeter soon :) :)

Enjoy the drive, you have earnt it :)

David_17 4th October 2010 07:26 PM

Great news Gus. Well done! :D

What did it fail on the first time, if you dont mind me asking. Just nice to know what to watch out for :)

AshG 4th October 2010 07:52 PM

well done guss i recall you saying you would like it done for exeter at last years show. well you did it.

take it easy they have next to zero rear traction when the roads are damp. yes i know every one says it but i really do mean it these things are bloody fast and bite hard if your not gentle with the throttle in the damp/wet.

onwards with the celebration.

mark 4th October 2010 08:29 PM

Well done :)

Another roadster on the road is always a good thing, enjoy.

As ash says they are tail happy in the wet....... great fun, wish mine had an engine in coz i fancy a late night blast too!

davidimurray 4th October 2010 08:36 PM

Congratulations Gus

I'm looking forward to seeing the car in the flesh at Exeter.:D

davedew 4th October 2010 09:38 PM

Just been out round the block with gus. What a rush. Acceleration is rapid to say the least. Makes me want to get mine finished. Just need to rob a bank and get more hours in the day lol.

Well done mate. Looking forward to the lifts to work. Only when it's not raining mind.

Twin 4th October 2010 10:10 PM

Well done Gus, enjoy your ride :)

gus 5th October 2010 08:35 AM

Thanks for all the comments guys. When I got back from Dave Dew's last night I was on such a high (natural) I couldn't sleep. The thing steers like it's on rails.

Original failure points were as follows.

1. Excessive handbrake travel. Examiner has to apply a load similar to 40kg, ie wrench handbrake as hard as possible. Cable clamps slipped on the cable as I had not removed the plastic covering. doh.

2. Foglight was only 'E' marked. No B or F markings.

3. Speedo readings were out, ie cable snapped on way to test. Bo**ocks. At least it failed on something else as this would have been really annoying.

So all in all a good fail but a shame it cost another £90. Well worth it now I have driven it on the open road.

Looking forward to seeing some of you in a few weeks time.



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