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JakeH 15th March 2011 11:16 PM

those look so damn cool!

me wants some!!!!! but being a cheapskate has its drawbacks :D

Eternal 15th March 2011 11:21 PM

was thinking today of doing something the same but then realised its not worth it. These are by far the best wishbones i have ever seen for any car ever. It seems a shame to put them on a car and get dirty!

K4KEV 1st April 2011 03:18 PM

After trolling the Bay for seats, several months now, my patience has paid off when I managed to win these very clean pair of corbeau's complete with 4 point harness's and very low level runners included and as usual I did not fork out a fortune for them @ £175. They will go on my ever increasing pile of parts.
The big bonus of course is their colour......red & black same as me bodywork though I do need some black harness covers preferably with red writing.

and those very low profile runners

CTWV50 1st April 2011 04:31 PM

Inspirational thread! Like it a lot!:)

K4KEV 1st April 2011 07:39 PM

Cheers Chris....I'll bet your raring to go too, even handier now that Spud has the mx roadster just about sorted.

CTWV50 2nd April 2011 08:33 AM

Yes indeed, I have a lot to do before I get started on the build so I'm up early on a weekend to get cracking!:)

K4KEV 2nd April 2011 11:20 AM

rightyo...back to progress on my blingy bones.....the front bottom bones were always going to be difficult to get "looking good" or should I say looking the way I want them to look.....as before grind, weld, grind, weld, grind ..polish, I have also welded a small strip on the underside close to and over the bend line, as Spud mentioned this to be an area that MAY suffer from bending, so I'm playing safe.
Managed to acquire (via the Bay of course) a quantity of very hard dremel grindstones which have made the job 10 times easier, not finished this one yet but will post piccies as I go

The raw welded lower wishbone less shock bracket

Ground and polished and awaiting shock bracket to be fixed and welded (bracket welds will be getting "the treatment" as well)

Bonzo 2nd April 2011 02:11 PM

Great stuff Kev
Looking forward to seeing the completed results mate :)

That is a huge coincidence, here's one I made earlier

Looks like we have been working on the same job mate but there will be no prizes for guessing which ones will look the best once completed .... Your wishbones Rock :cool:

The seats were a great find, just as well I didn't spot them, we would have ended up in a bidding war :o

K4KEV 2nd April 2011 02:25 PM

beauty of it is Ronnie ....they FIT albeit with 8mm worth of persuasion either side,:rolleyes: my last bid was £180 and I would not have gone over it so bidding war not
I set my target and do NOT let my heart rule my bidding.....don't care how much I want/need;)

K4KEV 7th April 2011 08:40 PM

Update on my wishbone saga.....I am now within a day or so of completing all my wishbones and although I am well well chuffed with the results, I now wish I had not "gone to town" on them as it means the rest of the car is going to have to do them credit, .....in for a penny in for a pound eh!.
This completed lower front wishbone is complete apart from fitting the bushes.
It will be nice to move back in the garage and get some work done on the chassis.....been that long I will have to check the bible to see where I got up to, I think it as chassis plates....will keep the update coming as I go
here are some pics.

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