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mr-p 29th November 2009 11:13 PM

Evening All,

Been lurkin here for a long while...anyways,

Started to make some progress again finally after about a year of my tacked up chassis slowly turning red!

One house move a new workshop & garage & renewed enthusiasm to get moving.

Met the 3ge guys, Ash & Gingea1pom at Exeter, bought some bits & am on the way again. Sitting in Ashes car helped, made a few car noises in my head...:D

Anyway here she is, its been at a stand still for nearly 10 months but I am underway again & have set myself a few targets for the new year & plan to stick to them funds allowing.

The beginning - Jan 2009

The Donor - 3 Weeks ago

Now - Today

Looking forward to 2 weeks @ christmas to crack on, in between eating several times my own body weight in food & ale..


londonsean69 29th November 2009 11:35 PM

That's a good bit of progress::cool:

I too am looking forward to Christmas. Not Christmas itself but the time off work:D

Bonzo 30th November 2009 08:10 AM

Welcome to the forum
A very warm welcome to the forum mr-p

Nice to see that you have made some progress :cool:

Set yourself small targets & the job will be a good un ..............Probably still be on the road before me :D :o

Very warming to see that we have a plethora of builders in the West Country. ( Always wanted to say that ) :D

jasongray5 30th November 2009 09:40 AM

Welcome bud!

Only Just down the road from yourself, (Near Holsworthy)

The guys on here realy know their stuff and are super helpfull, they are also a good bunch of chaps too!

Best of luck with the build


3GE Components 30th November 2009 10:00 AM

Welcome mr-p,

Good to see the show gave you the insperation to carry on, now's the time to get on with things, when summer comes the car will be ready! :)

Kind regards


mr-p 30th November 2009 12:21 PM

Cheers all,

Summer would be nice for a complete car but after seeing all those BEC at the show has changed my plans a bit, have got a lot of saving & justifying to do before then.


mr-p 21st February 2010 07:02 PM

Right then time for an update.

Since November I have built the tunnel twice, once because the doner I got had an MT75 box in it so took most of the tunnel out & put it back in to what I thought were the amended positions must have been the cold weather over christmas affecting me brain as it was way out. On checking somehow one side was a bit off & the other was way off - any ways out it came again & back in.

Made a start cleaning up the sierra bits but get bored of that pretty quick think that they will get cleaned & painted as & when they are needed.

I had 2 weeks off work which was going to be mostly build time (paternity leave!!) but most of it got sucked up removing old milking equipment from a parlour & installing sockets & lights that is next to the workshop(thanks Mr Landlord FOC). Got the roadster in there, what a difference a space with good lights & a bit of room makes!!

From this

To this

Suspension brackets, steering column supports, CP16 & 17, the curved bits at the back by the seats are all done. Also removed all the darn red stuff that creeps uo on me every time I leave the workshop.

Most of the chassis is welded also.

Today saw the pedal box 50% done, just the pedals & the brake & clutch supports to do. Feels like making good progress now.

Once the pedal box is done, bit of procurement & the bones are next, which means - WHEELS ON!!!

Cant wait!!


HandyAndy 21st February 2010 07:14 PM

Nice work there :cool:

having more space around your build area is a real bonus , tho the more space i have , the more stuff i put in it :o .

chassis is looking great, lets see some pics when she,s on wheels, Thats a big "moment" when you can wheel it around.:)

not too many sleepless nights ??? congratulations on your new arrival :cool:


Davey 21st February 2010 07:22 PM

Well done Mr P, showing some good progress there. I've just done my rear suspension so all I'll say is good luck with making yer bones up;) .


mr-p 21st February 2010 07:45 PM

Yeah its nice & tidy at the moment but I can see all manner of stuff infiltrating my nice clean area.

Getting it on wheels will be wicked although im going to have to 'modify' one of the doors to get it out:eek:

Not too bad on the sleeping thing as the missus bears the brunt of it as unfortunately for her I do not have breasts therefore pretty useless for feeding.:D

gingea1pom 21st February 2010 07:58 PM

Looking good there buddy.

It looks like quite a bunny hop to get of that concrete plinth!

Metal work is good, it will be on its wheels before you know it.

Cheers Ginge

Bonzo 21st February 2010 08:56 PM

Looking good there mr-p :cool: :)

It feels great to make some progress after a long lay up, you must be well pleased :)

Tidy bit of welding on that there pedal box.

I look forward to following your progress :cool:

mr-p 21st February 2010 09:39 PM

It does feel really good, like a bit of momentum is up. Hoping as the weather gets warmer it will really get moving.

The welding is a funny thing, I changed the wire up to 0.8 recently & it makes a fair bit of difference. I cant seem to get it sounding just right & it spatters quite a bit but the welding is easier & look a whole lot better & I have tested a few & the material always gives before the weld. Takes a fair beating aswell.

Took a good few hours to make that box, i have adopted a more haste less speed attitude to the build.

I will keep on with the piccies as I really like the build diarys. Really useful for others.


Bonzo 21st February 2010 09:49 PM

Yep that pedal box is next on my to do list .... Completely forgot untill recently, it's not been made :o :o

My workshop is full of destroyed Calibra at the moment .... Once Junior has loaded that lot on my truck I am hoping to make a re-start on my build :cool:

I wish this cold weather would bugger off, I bet it has been even colder up your neck of the woods :eek:

mr-p 21st February 2010 10:03 PM

Yeah the cold keeps on hangin on. -6 again last week more snow last Friday. I dont remember the cold going on for so long for many years.

Used to live down Lizard when I was a young'un we never really got cold like that, just used to live in permanant fog all the time.

Yep next weekend the pedals are on the list, having no money for the build is good in one way as you can't buy ready built things. Every thing just takes longer.

Tis all good


mr-p 21st March 2010 09:45 PM


Last few sundays have seen the following:

Pedals, have all the pedals & mounts made.


Going to wait for the bushes before I weld it all up.

Wishbones cut & profiled, all done bar the lower fronts, & 1 Back cross member.


I am nervous about welding them as they are very visable & i want the welding spot on. Might get them tig'd if it is not too much ££.

Rear End, did this today bent the tubes using a gate hanger & granite post on the entrance to my house turned out pretty good.

Also done the cross member for the roll bar, managed to make it short so it is about 120mm from the rail below it - anybody know if this is OK for IVA. (must read manual).

For the roll bar back tubes, is it right that you now need 2 bolts fixing it or it has to be welded?? Thought this was the outcome of Ash's test?

Next will be engine fitment & mounts.:D

HandyAndy 21st March 2010 10:10 PM

wow you,ve been busy :cool:

chassis is looking great :cool:

very industrious using a gate post to great effect :D


Bonzo 21st March 2010 10:14 PM

Looking good
Some good progress there Mr-P :cool:

Looks like you have been cracking on a bit since your last post :)

The examiner that tested Ash's car wanted to see either the back stays welded or fixed by two bolts per stay.
I don't know if the Exeter IVA station would be of the same view .... At your stage of the build , it wouldn't hurt to put in some extra fixings to be on the safe side ;)

I was having a read of the IVA manual the other day .... There is a minimum height for the roll bar cross stay ( If harnesses are going to be mounted on it ).
This height is taken from a reference point on the lower seat squab. 400mm above the datum point springs to mind but I would check the manual first .... My brain aint as good as it used to be :o

Well done on your progress.

Enoch 21st March 2010 10:47 PM

Looking good Mr P, we are at about the same stage. I just started my pedal box today and hope to finish it soon. Keep up the good work.

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