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fabrun 15th December 2009 06:28 PM

3d cad
1 Attachment(s)
hello everyone
i'm a french cad user
just bought the book and decided to draw the car in 3d
i've started the chassis in solidworks

link to final files: http://locostcadfiles.wikispaces.com/Car+Models

Bonzo 15th December 2009 06:42 PM

Welcome to the forum
Hi fabrun

welcome to the forum :)

That is a nice bit of cad work :cool:

I admire folk who have the savy to use cad software .......I have plenty available but it confuses the hell out me :confused: :o

Well done

londonsean69 15th December 2009 07:26 PM

It's missing the engine bay brace;) :rolleyes:

Seriously, nice bit of CAD work. I only really do 2D. Have used Inventor a few time, very powerful.

Never used Solidworks

AshG 15th December 2009 07:46 PM

its pants that is. you got the steering wheel on the wrong side :D

would you be willing to share the solid works files on the forum as i would quite like them to play with.



londonsean69 15th December 2009 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by AdrianH (Post 27101)
Nope the brace is in there that I can see?

I missed it because it is on the wrong side:D

fabrun 16th December 2009 02:55 AM

thanks for all

Is solid works the one that allows you to set the materials and then you can do strain/stress/shear tests etc?

yes solidworks can do this but never try it before

as i live in france, it's left hand drive

i'll finish it and i will share, no problem

3d cad is not very difficult (because solidworks is very powerful and have nearly no limit), what impress me it's that all of you do in your real life with a real construction


Superloom 16th December 2009 11:05 AM

Nice bit of work, i have also done most of my car in Solidworks, its an excellent program...
In regards to the stress stuff, pretty much all software does it but its an Addon that you need to pay for.. So personally never seen it on solidworks....
Nice Job

twinturbo 16th December 2009 11:15 AM

Last time I got realy serious with CAD was 14 years ago with Autocad on HP Apollo workstations.. :)


fabrun 16th December 2009 11:42 AM

cosmosworks (fea analysis in solidworks) is included in the premium pack( mine) but i've never use it. maybe one day

fabrun 16th December 2009 04:28 PM

i must admit that building this car in real would be fantastic
i made a quick search and no sierra available but i can find a bmw
with the help of some friend, maybe i can succeed

does someone still put, with success, bmw part (engine, diff,etc..) in this chassis ?

HandyAndy 16th December 2009 04:35 PM

yes there are a few builders using the bmw mechanicals, not too sure which members but they,ll probably be on line soon no doubt to say hi.

nice drawings :cool:


Bonzo 16th December 2009 05:30 PM

There was a drawing that Chris Gibbs posted that should give you some idea as to how you might be able to use the BMW front hubs ;)

Post 2 in this thread


Have a read, it may be of some help :) :)

alga 17th December 2009 01:43 PM

Oooh, shiny! Could you post your model someplace in OBJ format perchance?

fabrun 17th December 2009 02:47 PM

no problem
i want to finish it before (soon)

fabrun 18th December 2009 03:21 AM

little update

fabrun 19th December 2009 11:22 AM

one more update

does someone has dimension for the nosecone please ?

Beardy_John 19th December 2009 09:12 PM

Fabrun, nice work. I've drawn the chassis up a few times in a couple of different ways, but never had the time to finish any of them!
I've used Simulation (was COSMOS) loads as I have to use it at work. The main problem I have is knowing what to put into the FEA and then working out what its telling you. All you can really do is put in a known load and compare different designs for stiffness/strength.
I'd love to known how you got your springs to look so good. I hate drawing springs! :):)

dogwood 20th December 2009 08:44 AM

Hi Fabrun.

All looks very clever to me....I just dont do compootuz:rolleyes:

Did however notice an error..:eek:
Chassis plate CP7 on the right hand side,by the roll bar,
It's the wrong way around. I'm not trying to be a smart arse, Just thought I would mention it


fabrun 20th December 2009 09:24 AM

cp6 et cp7
bien vu
je corrige

fabrun 20th December 2009 10:58 AM

1 Attachment(s)
how much just for this dimension ?
same as sierra hub (how much?)
thanksAttachment 596

fabrun 20th December 2009 04:32 PM


alga 21st December 2009 11:55 PM

The upright measures 154-155 mm along the kingpin axis. See http://fridge.pov.lt/~alga/DSC_9346.JPG . The mushroom insert sticks out by 8 mm extra. The kingpin axis has a caster angle and the kingpin inclination, you can measure them approximately on the drawing on the page 75 of the book.

fabrun 22nd December 2009 03:23 AM

thanks a lot

LeonN 22nd December 2009 08:04 AM

It is all looking good man. There is a plan of seirra hubs compleat with mesherments some ware. Quick surch has found it for me umpteen times.

The peddal box: need a hydrolic clutch for BMW bits. The BMW one can be fabricated into the book box quite easaley.

fabrun 22nd December 2009 09:30 AM

thanks again
i 've found him


can i re use the hydraulic clutch from the bmw with this pedal box?

LeonN 22nd December 2009 12:23 PM

Yer you can. I made a bracket to hold the mastersilinder to the pedal box and drilled a hole a bit biger than the cilinder but smaller than the boot making for a nice tight fit. I'll try and find a pic.

LeonN 22nd December 2009 12:31 PM

boath BMW brake and clutch. You can just see the bracket poking out. Pm me if you won't a better pic or some dimencions for your cad.

fabrun 23rd December 2009 10:14 AM

chassis in video

bobbyh 24th December 2009 09:59 AM

any chance of a copy of the model? thanks

fabrun 24th December 2009 10:11 AM

i share (with everyone)
just send me a pm with your email
the 3d format you want
precise only the chassis or all the part

i'll can give everything which inside the book

fabrun 24th December 2009 10:14 AM

i add a question here

fabrun 4th January 2010 10:25 AM

time for an update

John.W 4th January 2010 10:28 PM

Hi to everyone,

I have just got the book and after scanning through the forum was amazed to find the 3d cad for a LHD Roadster. Thank you to Fabrun awsum work. As you can see by my profile I live in Germany and am thinking about building a LHD.

From the 3d I can see that TR5 is on the opposite side but what about the transmission tunnel does that have to be altered as well, ie swoping TT2 and TT3, TT9 and TT11, TT10 and TT12 and the angles changed accordingly?

I have got a Vauxhall Corsa 1.4 16V, 90BHP. Does any body know if this engine can be married to a Sierra G/box?

Would it make a difference to the SVA if it was LHD?

Any advice is much appreciated


HandyAndy 4th January 2010 10:41 PM

welcome to the forum John,

yes indeed Fabrun,s cad work is stunning indeed :cool:

the TR5 rail can be put on the opposite side but this also depends on which engine you fit as to whether you can fit TR5 at all, my engine install doesn,t allow it to be fitted (cvh engine).

Not sure if the engine you mention will fit/ mate with a ford box, don,t know anyone using that engine either.

good luck with your poss future build.

ps. my sister used to live in your town :)

Talonmotorsport 4th January 2010 11:27 PM

I'm sure you could cut the mounting flange off the bell housing and weld another on. Mounting a ford pressure plate on another fly wheel is easy enough with the right tools ie a lathe and mill. Would it not be easier to just put a ford engine on a ford box? I don't dougt that it can be done it depends on wether you want to spend time ,money or both?

John.W 5th January 2010 06:28 AM

I think the Ford engine is going to be the best option for now, the thing is I don't have a sierra just yet and the corsa is sat there doing nothing. It was going to get prepared for Rally X but I am sticking with the Golf for now.

I am a bit depressed because 3 months ago before I got the book I was given a 2.0l 16V Sierra and me like an idiot I sold it. Never mind I will find another one

fabrun 9th January 2010 10:48 AM


just for the fun

spud69 9th January 2010 10:53 AM

That looks really good Fabrun, i especially like the transparent body version in the last pic. I have been doing my chassis pictures on Google Sketchup, it might be free but is not a patch on the 3d cad pictures.

Very Good.....AndyH

tim.macartney 9th January 2010 07:38 PM

Top notch Cad work Fabrun.
I am a solidworks user myself but got my hands on a copy of 2009 before xmas and havent got using it yet. Your modelling has inspired me to dust off the space navigator!

Look forward to seeing more of your work! - Maybe some conceptual bodywork!

Superloom 9th January 2010 10:27 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Really nice CAD work there... I've just been doing some CAD work the last few days on my replacement dashboard for my kit:
Some are rough earlier ones, some are slightly newer ones. Just to get the priniciple across.
What do you all think??

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