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SteveH 14th January 2017 03:54 PM

Mx5 harness woes
So in the last couple of days I've started to pick apart my harness
What a bleeder of a job this is
Anyone else pulled apart a mx5 harness?

Cropper 14th January 2017 04:02 PM

Yes! Be patient, that's my best advice. Just for info if your donor was a mark one you can use the headlight lift power supply for your rear fog light as it only lifted the headlights for dip & main beam.

SteveH 14th January 2017 04:16 PM

The donor was a mk1 import
And I've already pulled out the headlight retraction wires and some other circuits that are not needed

chris_smith 14th January 2017 06:29 PM

Funny you posted this today as it's what I've been doing all day...... how cold ....... and time consuming

SteveH 14th January 2017 08:05 PM

For some reason on my loom I'm missing some labels of the connectors
I thought I labelled it all when I removed it from the car
So now I'm tracing wires back with the help of some dodgy wiring diagrams
Almost there though I think

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