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A. Wrinkly 12th February 2009 05:01 PM

Indicator buzzer
Hi New to the forum. I followed Chris Gibbs instructions on how to install an audible buzzer using bits from Maplins and have been very pleased however I recently noticed that when I have my lights on the buzzer noise is quieter and 'croaky' Any ideas please. :confused:

Bonzo 12th February 2009 05:28 PM

A big welcome to the forum. :) :)

I am no electrical whiz kid. Have you by any chance used the lighting circit for the live feed for the buzzer ?

This may account for the poor performance when the lights are on.

If all was well when you first fitted it, perhaps you have a faulty earth connection.

Where electronics are involved, some components are very sensitive to voltage fluctuations. They will work fine for a while then start to fail.

Have you fitted a voltage regulator in your buzzer unit ?

When you have your lights on your alternator will be kicking out between 14 - 15 volts. It may be too much for some electronics and will need to be regulated.

That's about all my pea brain can think of. :) :)

shadowcaster 12th February 2009 06:43 PM

Hi and welcome to the forum.
Think Ronnie has hit the perveriable nail on the head, I think I woulld try the earth first cause it's the easiest:) if that dosn't work try a tempary live feed to see if that does the trick.


Bonzo 12th February 2009 07:18 PM

Indicator buzzer
I have had a re-read of the post that Chris made on the subject of buzzers.

Live feed is from the indicator live wires.

The fault is likey to be either a bad earth or an electronics fault. ;)

Perhaps the most simple way to install a buzzer is to fit a buzzer that is normally fitted to a car towbar Wiring.

A legal requirement for towing a caravan if memory serves me right.

You can find them at most breaker yards for pennies. I don't think they are very expensive new. :)

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