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les g 4th August 2009 11:47 PM

Rally Design
i ordered some steering bits from rally design at the weekend....
foned them Monday a.m. to add a bit to the order (no problems at all seem very nice and knowledgeable people )
got home from work today to find them here already
is that bloody good service or what

cheers les g
10/10 for Rally Design

Bonzo 4th August 2009 11:56 PM

I'll second that Les :)

My last order was made on a sunday evening ( Online )

Delivered first thing on Tuesday morning :eek: :cool:

First class customer sevice ;)

aaronbassett 4th August 2009 11:57 PM

they have moved not long ago to a bigger place so they can store more bits

les g 5th August 2009 12:09 AM

Ronnie my excuse was .........
its a birthday present to me :D and you can put some cash to it and wrap it if you want dearest
cheers les g

eliminates............ socks,pants,jumpers etc..

AshG 5th August 2009 12:41 AM

living pretty close i normally just drive down to them. when i needed a steering colum extension they didnt have it in stock. they took my details and phoned me the next day to say it was in. then they phoned me the next day to tell me it was in agan even after i had collected then they phoned me a third time. think things must be a bit slow at the min lol.

mr henderson 5th August 2009 09:04 AM

All they need to do now is to stop quoting prices "plus VAT"

Adam R. 9th September 2009 08:23 AM

anybody have email adress to rallydesign ?

AshG 9th September 2009 10:56 AM

just call them 01227 792792 they dont like emails

Adam R. 9th September 2009 01:38 PM

yes I know I can all but my english is not so good

AshG 9th September 2009 04:01 PM

send me a message with what you want to say/ask and i will call them for you

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