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misty 26th November 2010 04:52 PM

Hi all
Has anyone made the seats that are in the book in steel.
thinking of doing so but just dont know what thickness of steel sheet to use
any help would be great

flyerncle 26th November 2010 08:14 PM

Thats what it looks like cut from the pattern in the book.
Welcome to the cheap seats......


Only thing to be aware of is position of the seat belt mountings and the holes through the seat for the belts and sharp edges.

If I go down the route of making a seat it will be ally but possibly thinish steel say 16g.

misty 27th November 2010 08:16 AM

many thanks for that i'm still looking for a pair in the meantime but if i cant get any that is suitable then i will make them
thanks agian

alga 27th November 2010 12:39 PM

I would suggest looking at the Rorty Design seats, they seem to be a bit more refined that the book ones. The drawing is available for free at the Rorty web site: http://www.rorty-design.com/files/Ro...%20Pattern.pdf

Rorty specifies 2.5 mm 5052 or 5251 ally, which should be equivalent to about 1.2 mm mild steel. Could any engineers confirm or correct?

Update: I found on the internets that substituting ally for steel sheet reduced the weight by a factor of 2, which means that the seats have to use 1.6 mm sheet and will weigh about 9 kg each. flyerncle, you were spot on!

flyerncle 27th November 2010 03:22 PM

I try my best Albert, Spikehaus has them in his and I think its in his blog.

Ifix 15th August 2012 02:36 PM

I've been very quiet recently (and making very slow progress with the car) and although I'm still a long way off putting seats in I've being toying with the idea of making my own ones. I was just wondering how you guys got on with making yours if you did decide to go down that route, and if you had any tips.

Many thanks


brainbug007 15th August 2012 03:07 PM

Personally I think these hand made one's look pretty dire :eek: I'm planning on using the rear center seat(s) from a mk1 renault scenic as I can get them at my local breaks for £30 for a pair with runners :)

Ifix 15th August 2012 04:07 PM

yeah, i have to say, i don't see them as a thing of great beauty in the book, so i was hoping that someone may have made them and proved me wrong :o This said I still would like to be able to have some sort of adjustment between the seatbase/back angle (and a bit of permanent padding!:D ), so that they kinda looked something like this

http://www.autobahnpower.com/images/corbeau-A4.jpg as opposed to the fibreglass ones

I would be hoping to end up with a shape as a best bits of the book/rorty design ones and any other random seats that i quite like the look of.

I'm unsure how any of my initial ideas using ply back/base for foam mounting or butchering the sierra seats and investigating their frame/construction is done would stand up to the IVA men.

any thoughts?

Spikehaus 15th August 2012 07:25 PM

I made a set as per the book spec, they are collecting dust as I never got round to finishing them. Welcome to offers for them but you would need to pick them up from Plymouth or arrange transport.

Photos on on the build diary links below

robo 15th August 2012 11:47 PM

Is there not a seat for the roadster that is non bucket? ie just the squab and back. My mate is too wide in the beam with his child bearing hips:eek: to have any type of bucket.



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