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Old 18th June 2009, 09:13 AM
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Hoybi Hoybi is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Zonhoven, Belgium
Posts: 60
Default PIP (project in Progress) and FOR (Finished and on the Road)

The first (ten or so) cars that were built and on the road do have some pioneering status and deserve to be acknowledged as "our heroes". The same goes for their builders.
But we would like to see a growing number of followers. As has been said, many people have bought the book and are building anonymously, without participating in the forum. Maybe the shields shouln't be numbered, apart from the 10 golden ones.

I suggest that we start a list where everyone who wants to be known can add themselves when the build has started and when on the road.

Joining the list is a matter of copy/paste, adding a line and posting to the registre thread. So the list gets longer and no club has to be formed yet.

number/identity of car or builder/date on the road mm-yyy / some details
001 / Chris Gibbs / 06-2005(?) / Pinto 1,8l - HAYNES yellow, red stripe
002 / Frankie boy / 07-2007(?) / Yamabushda-greenblue-full race cage
003 / Dogwood / 08-2007(?) / cossie 300bhp-orange with go-faster stripes
004 / Spud69 / 09-2007
005 / Slimtater /

number/identity of car or builder/date started mm-yyy / some details
021 / Joe carpenter / .... / ....
022 / Eddy"Huybi" / 01-2008 / Pinto 2,0l, signal blue, trackday only

Jumping from PIP-list to FOR-list : erase your line in the PIP-list and add a line in the List of Heroes.

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